Reintroducing myself "The Steemit way"

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)


That’s me. At least, that’s the visual of how I feel most of the times. This is how you can see me from inside and this is more than just seeing me from the outside. I think. 

In general, I don’t understand why with all this "high horse" talk about spirituality and self-actualization people still are so interested in appearance and is particular details about one’s everyday life, which we can semantically generalize as gossips.

Hello, I was born in blablahblah, and I live in blablahblah, and I graduated from blahblahblah, and I married blahblahblah and … How is that interesting? How is that relevant in a virtual community? If a person has some Photoshop skills s/he can get away with murder? If you know what I mean.

Ok, Steemit you want to know that I am not a bot.  Here you go.

I am a programmer. I programmed in C, QFAST, Paradox for DOS, Paradox for Windows, Delphi, Visual Basic, Progress, ASP, JavaScript, C#. So most of the day I sit in front of my puter and program. I live more in my head. That doesn’t mean I don’t drive a car or is chained to a desk. I try to swim every day since I live by the ocean and my building has an eighty feet pool. I also like to aimlessly wander around and be in nature, pick mushrooms, catch fish, shoot elephants. Just kidding about elephants.   

Back when I was a boy I read a book by a Scottish professional hunter, who lived in Africa. That was an incredibly interesting book for a boy and I dreamed of flying to Nairobi, going to a safari and shooting an elephant with the 474 mm rifle, so that the bullet sent to an animals’ forehead would knock it from the full attacking ambling gait to a sitting position. So I dreamed…  

When it came to a real thing, though, I turned out to be a pussy. No, I didn’t have a chance to shoot an elephant. I went to Mexicali, Mexico and had a chance to see a bull fight. After reading Hemingway’s “The Sun Also Rises” I had such a romantic notion about this activity. What a disappointment it turned out to be in reality!

The poor animal was small and wounded. It laid in the corner of the arena, urinated from fear and just wanted to be left alone and die. Yet, all those men on the horseback poke it with pikes , trying to get it up so that another man with the sword would show the crowd how heroically he can kill it. Phooey!

What else? Mmmmmmmm… Ok, I like animals: cats, dogs, rabbits, opossums. Eeeeeeh, opossums … not so much. In fact, my dog Cella also doesn’t like them and let them (and also squirrels, rats, and raccoons) know it every time they attempt to trespass on our property.     

Yeah, Cella. She is half malamute and half pit bull. This is an unstable mix, as I found out. She’s got very sick and died. I am saying “IS” because she will always be “IS” for me. So much for that…    

As I was saying, I mostly live in my head and, as a hobby, I like to write stories. I do that every time something significant happens; significant for my internal life that is.

Some people write stories according to a certain template. A good guy and a bad guy, a role model wise guy, a bad boy with a good heart, a woman strong and yet sensitive, etc. Once a template is chosen then a writer can get creative about the obstacles that this character can encounter, and in which ways s/he can overcome it. 

I don’t use any templates and write whatever comes to mind.   

I remember once I watched the movie called “Sideways.” I liked it. It was about two goofy guys, a writer, and an actor, both didn’t achieve much in their lives, who went to NAPA valley for a couple of days to relax. They went through some minor adventures there, drink wine and got involved with ladies, doing some minor transgressions like mostly lying and pretending. Then they got caught in their lies and had to come back in the worst condition than they came.

I asked a lady coworker, who also watched a movie, what was her impression of it. She said that she was angered by this movie. “What kinds of role models are they?” I said “Come on. What are we in a kindergarten?” That sort of tells you where I am coming from. The characters might not be role models but they were real people and the entire movie was full of benevolence and forgiveness to simple little people and simple little things that these people might do.

Anyhow, some stories, I uploaded here, represent me much better than if you see how I look like or by whatever happen in my external life. 

 The Day Pill   

If you ever watched Chekov's play “Three Sisters” you’d know about the philosophical argument that two of the play’s characters had. One of them insisted that in the future everything will be better while the other one surmised that it will “same old same old”, augmented with new technical achievements. As for me, I agree with the second character.    This story is about an old lady in the year 2050, living in a nursing home. It assumes that at this time the pharmacological industry would be advanced enough to produce special pills where a person during their sleep can have a beautiful love affair with a hero of her dreams. The pills are expensive and the Medical and Medicare don’t cover them. Thus, the old lady has the argument with her son, urging him to buy the pills for her.   

The Hole   

This is a story about a callous and self-absorbed man who, having found a mermaid on a deserted beach is trying to have sex with her. As she refuses his advances, he’s blackmailing her into having sex. Things end up not so well for him. The point of the story though is that if one meets something absolutely unusual, he shouldn’t assume that he can go about it in the same way as he’d normally would, especially if his intentions are questionable. 

Up and down   

This one is a true story that I heard and wrote it down from memory. I think this shows the level of estrangement in a relationship that is quite typical for this millennium.  

The reset   

Many people had their dreams and hopes high while they are young, but then once they met the life’s difficulties things started going sour. Yet they are tied down by the circumstances and cannot do much about their lives.

The main character in this story remembers the freshness and strength of the feelings she experienced in the days of her youth and compares it with the lack of excitement in her life nowadays. However, unlike most, a second chance. Only to in order to take advantage of it, she has to commit a moral transgression. Would she go that far?

On the road again 

This story is about failed relationship, difficulties of departure and following the unconscious call of your gender.  

The scar maker   I think we all heard that communication between people is 70% none-verbal. This story gives an example of how such non-verbal communication can be achieved and what benefits it could entail.

Easter Egg   This story is actually a contemplation on the possibility of one negative action neutralizing another negative action. This works in math with multiplication and division. Would it also work in life?

Blackout   This “what if” story shows how small could be the difference between a great discovery and a big historical maybe.

The bonus   This story is about a person who wants to get things a relatively easy way, but, as a result, realizes that there is no easy way. Luckily he found this out relatively early in his life.


Finally, these three stories below describe real events. These stories are actual testimonials to the work of one exceptional person, who helped me tremendously in my own life. I am talking about spiritual healing. Interestingly, you don’t have to believe it in order to get the benefits of it. All you have to do is to suspend your disbelief for the duration of the treatment. Interestingly, even though these stories did not have much success at Steemit, my friend broadcast them to her audience and gained many new clients.    

Spiritual healing. (Claustrophobia case) 

Spiritual Healing. (Panic Attack Case)  

Spiritual Healing (Depression Case) 

So, stop by in my neighborhood. More stories are coming up in the near future.  



What is the one thing you could not live without?

your comment

A youth is to be regarded with respect. How do you know that his future will not be equal to our present?

You don't, but why do you even need to know that?

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