I Azizi M Ali Introduce My Self(Saya Ingin Memperkenalkan Diri Saya)

in #introduceyourself7 years ago


Hello Steemian !! 

Good evening the Steemians. How are you doing today the Steemians? May be healthy always and always be in His protection. Happy activity for all steemans wherever you are. Introduce my name Azizi M Ali I am from Aceh I was born in Langsa City, on June 04, 1992. Now I live in Tunong village Paya Bujok Teungoh Village Langsa Barat Sub-district Langsa City, I graduated from Samudra University majoring in History Education. Now I work at SMKN 1 Langsa City as a teacher in History. The activities outside teaching I also follow the Historical community as a forum to enrich my knowledge in the field of history. Writing is my hobby, history writing becomes the topic I love the most, a city-themed example, maritime history and cultural history. I joined Indonesian steemit to hone my writing skills. Therefore, to Steemian, I hope with this container and the information that my friends give me a benchmark to refine my writings.

I know info about steemit from my friend named @ jodipamungkas and @ foarsyad. At first, I did not know anything about steemit. Then they began to explain to me what a steemit is. And I got interested to join and start writing through steemit.

I would like to thank the steemit community of Indonesia who has helped me in making the work in written form. And for the future please guidance and assistance to be able to work together. Regards Steemit Indonesia Community.


Hallo Steemian !!

Selamat malam para Steemian. Apa kabarnya hari ini para Steemian? Semoga sehat selalu dan selalu berada di lindungan-Nya. Selamat beraktifitas bagi seluruh steemian dimana pun anda berada. Perkenalkan nama saya Azizi Saya berasal dari Aceh saya lahir di Kota Langsa, pada 04 Juni 1992. Sekarang saya tinggal di dusun Tunong desa Paya Bujok Teungoh kecamatan Langsa Barat Kota Langsa, saya lulusan dari Universitas Samudra  jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah. Sekarang saya bekerja di SMKN 1 Kota Langsa sebagai guru pengajar dalam mata pelajaran Sejarah. Adapun  aktifitas di luar mengajar saya juga mengikuti komunitas Historical sebagai wadah untuk memperkaya pengetahuan saya di bidang ilmu sejarah. Menulis adalah hobbi saya, penulisan sejarah menjadi topik yang paling saya gemari, contoh yang bertemakan sejarah kota, sejarah maritim dan sejarah kebudayaan. Saya bergabung di steemit Indonesia untuk mengasah kemampuan menulis saya. Oleh karena itu kepada Steemian, saya berharap dengan adanya wadah ini dan informasi yang teman-teman berikan menjadi tolak ukur untuk menyempurnakan lagi tulisan-tulisan saya.

Saya mengetahui info tentang steemit dari teman saya yang bernama @jodipamungkas dan @foarsyad. Pada awalnya, saya tidak mengetahui apapun tentang steemit. Lalu mereka mulai menjelaskan kepada saya tentang apa itu steemit. Dan saya mulai tertarik untuk bergabung dan memulai membuat karya tulis melalui steemit.

Saya ingin berterima kasih kepada komunitas steemit Indonesia yang telah membantu saya dalam membuat karya dalam bentuk tulisan. Dan untuk kedepan mohon bimbingan dan bantuan untuk dapat saling berkerja sama. Salam Komunitas Steemit Indonesia.





KEEP STEEM ON ME @azizi04  


Good luck! I hope your blog is successful. Please consider checking out minnowsupportproject.com and @minnowsupport. It is a great community of individuals that will help you get started and can answer all of your questions.

Thank you for your feedback and suggestions

Welcome to steemit

Welcome to Steemit. I have followed you. Have a nice time ahead.

Welcome to Steem @azizi04 I have upvoted and sent you a tip

seulamat teuka @azizi04 di komunitas steemit, kota kelahiran kita sama bung. saleum meuturi

terima kasih, samal kenal kembali..
Aceh long sayang..

Hi!!Nice to meet you and glad to see more people like you in this comunity Steemit! Becoming a steaminion is a great adventure, a good idea and a good hobby! Here you can win money while bloging and writing stories from your life! The start it wouldn't be easy, but it isn't impossible. So just write cool stories and everything will be verry good. Wish all the best! Seya!
With love, @dianamihaela!

Thanks for your feedback and suggestions
Hopefully we can be a good partner

Yes. Pls follow me if you want :

Welcome to Steemit @Azizi04 :) Glad to see more people like you - here joining Steemit! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @khunpoom

thank you For your feedback and suggestions
Hopefully we can be a good partner

Welcome bro!

Welcome to steemit!

Here is a guideline if you want to survive in the ocean of steemit. Read thoroughly!

Have a good day

Thank you for your feedback and suggestions

welcome to steemit
i hope u enjoy in this community
thank you

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