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RE: Thinking About Values: What Does INTEGRITY Mean to You?

in #integrity7 years ago

Integrity to me is doing the right thing whether you're alone or in front of a crowd. Having standards, morals, principles and not bending just to fit in with the crowd or please people. It's about being open, honest, true and handling a situation head on rather than keeping quiet and or cowardly succumbing. It's about standing up for others esp people who are too weak, vulnerable or simply unable to protect themselves. Integrity is remembering the lessons your parents and grandparents taught you and passing them on to the next generations.

I agree integrity is rarely seen these days but when it does show up it reassures us that there is still some good in this world.


Integrity to me is doing the right thing whether you're alone or in front of a crowd.

You hit on part of the equation that's really important @sarahabed... integrity is not just about not doing something because it would be wrong in the eyes of the world; it's also about not stealing that $1000 in the envelope on the table even though "nobody would ever know it was you" and you had zero chance of getting caught.

Yes, and I'm also very glad when I see honesty and integrity in the world... and I tend to celebrate it.

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