What Can We Contribute To? - An Inspirational Message With Pictures Along The Way.

in #inspirations7 years ago

Now some of the things that you're going to experience when you look out into the world, and ask yourself - what can I contribute to, and what can I give?  I guarantee you that you're going to have a voice saying inside of you, that it's just hopeless and there's just no use, and it's out of your control now, there is nothing that I can do.  There will come a time when that voice inside is going to tell you that you're wasting your time and wasting your energy, and wasting your efforts.  And, you know what I say?  I say listen to that still small voice that's telling you to try, and telling you that you have power to change things.  Listen to the voice that tells you that you can still do something, and that you ought to do it because there are too many times when we want to throw our hands up and throw the towel in on something that we want to do, we just never learned how to do these things, because no one ever taught us that we can do it.  And, sometimes people don't even believe that you can do anything with anything that you are trying to do.  You have to believe that you have power to make a change, and take a stand against those people and those inner voices inside of us that tell us that things are hopeless and that things are just too out of control.  Because, I guarantee you, this world is hard, and this world simply sucks at times.  The world I know is the world that will ruin everything you have planned for your life, and some people love to add the pressure, and add to your pain, and add to your grief that you are struck with but, you have to stand up and take a stand against these efforts to derail you from trying to go after that dream, to even try to do the things you love, and will even pass a time where you aren't able to do those things, you can't see your families, and your friends don't even see eye to eye on the issues that you are faced with, but I guarantee you that you are better then those things, and better then that voice that tells you to give up, and lose hope and set down the inner trying still voice inside of us that wants to make a difference in peoples lives.  You want to make a difference?  You get up, everyday, and you fight for what you know you have to offer and you tell this bitter world that you are not the things that they want to make for you to be.  You're better than that!  You don't need some mundane career in your life when you have much more to offer up of yourself than what others believe about you.  And, you can do it!  You can go the extra mile and you can prove all these people wrong of you who are trying to silence that yet small voice that tells you that you're better than this, and that you're worth something more powerful than you could ever imagine you are.  And, to tell you the truth - I believe in that voice.  I require that voice to guide me.  I wait for that voice to come inside of me, even in the most troubling of times that people from this world will set you in, because devastating places in your life are going to make you feel like throwing the towel in on your plans for life, and what I say - is stop listening to it.  Don't let that voice guide your inner spirit - because, you're worth more than that.  You know it!  I know it!  And, half the world doesn't want anything better for you rather they just want you to soak into this world and all that it has to offer you, as though you have nothing to offer it.  You have more to offer it, than all those things and all those placed combined could ever offer you, and all you have to do is be willing to listen to that voice, and follow your heart.  

There really is a salvation, when nothing can resist the will of the people.  Not good things, not bad things, and not even the remote evil that you are faced with can stop what you came here to do.  Even the existence can of your purpose you can extend that purpose with the good that life has to offer a people.  I strongly believe that all of us have more than enough purpose while we're here and that we must be willing to to the work that we have got to do.  It's not their work, or their plans for you that matter, but what your plans are for yourselves.  I believe that each one of us showed up here for a reason, and that reason is to contribute something beyond measurable, and beyond beautiful to life.  Even if you want to contribute something for yourself, you have to show up and do.  And, when you can't contribute to yourselves in a meaningful way, show up, and contribute to someone else.  Be willing to go out of your way for people and contribute for the good of other people.  People will remember that and it means more than money can buy.  

Think of the homeless, the hurting and the pain that is within humanity as we know it, and get up out of your office within your own home and try to make that difference.  I can envision a world that is brighter simply because you were more willing to try for the impossible than other people are willing to budge.  Be the person that you dream to become, and be the change that you wish to see in the world.  Don't take no for an answer, and when you run into no's, it's just a precursor for a lot of yeses.  Yes, is the very next answer beyond a no, and beyond a maybe, and the only one that is stopping us from those goals are ourselves.  Our willingness to listen to that still small voice inside of us that tells us to try.  You came here to be someone, so don't be like them.  Them, that persecute people, them that laugh and scoff at others willingness to try.  Don't be like they are willing to be.  Their lives are mundane and they let their hearts crust over with an iron shell that is unbreakable because of the unbelievable bearings on life that lives because of all the lost efforts and the lost hope.  Don't be that lost hope!  Instead be that person that fills that hope, because you've got something to contribute to your existence, even when there are millions against you, and many more that are willing to stand in your way, you have to know that you're better than these corporations because you aren't a corporation, rather you are a person with insurmountable gifts to give to your world and the people around you.  You have more power in your heart when you work toward the impossible and even when you don't make it so - you fail forward, because you know that people deserve better than what this world is currently offering you, and you know that the people are worth more than what we see in ourselves.  

Open up and tell yourself that you are an opening.  When you can't get hired with "now hiring" signs up all over the place, hire yourselves, become your own boss, and tell the universe that you want to be used for the good that you have to offer.  Be a channel of change!  Be an inspiration of change, and be the machine that others cannot have the courage to be, because you have something powerful to give to others, and it's in the hope and the message that makes things open up for you.  You are worth more than whatever this world is wanting to give you, when it wants to create pockets of cash by ousting your idea's, and by killing off the good person that you are.  Don't allow it to drain that spirit of yourself for the good that you can accomplish, in getting up, every day, and trying for the impossible.  I smile is encouragement for the lost, and a helping hand is encouragement for a puppy.  You have something to raise up from this world and you're going to do it, if you just try and you become willing to be a beacon of light in someone else's life.  You have more to offer than a gas station clerk, more to offer than a therapists office, more to offer than doctors, when you can become a beacon of light.  Other people are going to see your worth and will start to talk and start to move around like you've never thought possible, and all because you got up, you tried with all the mite underneath your painful arms and you gave of yourself more than ever to push for what was right, while faced with bad things happening to you.  It doesn't matter if they want to ignore the extenuating circumstances, or the real problems just to pile on more problems.  It doesn't matter!  What matters is that voice that you can raise up people to become more than they even dreamed of being because you showed up, and you were willing to fight for the impossible things to come true.  You can make the impossible things from this life come true just by taking that shot.  Take it over and over if you have to, and fail forward, because you have something more to offer up of yourself than you are willing to yet see of yourself.  And, when all they want to do is pile on more garbage into your life, and make you out to look as though you don't care enough, and try to make you look like you're a criminal or some jerk that's going to do the same things that these people are willing to give to you.  Let them!  Shovel shit over my shoulders, and tell yourself - I'm only going to come out that much stronger than what you wanted me to be, because it's wrong, and when you know it's wrong in your heart, don't let them instill you into a world filled with hopelessness, and instead fill that hope up to the top and let that hopeful heart spill over, and get it all over onto other people, because you have a willingness that is unlike any other, and the courage and strength to know the difference.  

God said help me to understand the things that I can change, and the things that I can't and the wisdom to know the difference.  But, nevertheless, were you not created to be empowered?  Were you not created to be equals?  Were you not created to become more than you could ever imagine of yourselves to be?  You were created to enjoy life and not to be constantly pushed down and pushed out of the arena, you were born to cradle that arena and create a hope that fills up that whole arena and spill over and get that influence all over people.  You cannot stop the will of the people.  You can't!  When there are enough of you willing to stand up and fight for what is right, there is no stopping a people that have the hope filling over the stadiums, and pouring into the seats of the hopeless, and the hurting.  You can heal the broken; heal the sick, and change the lives of people forever.  You have literal goodness in your heart that is better than Gold or anything that money can ever buy.  Those are the things that make you rich, it's not money; it's not what you have, or own and certainly is not some job that this world wants you to have to be incomplete your whole life.  I promise you, that you have more to offer up to a world than that.  Your life is not supposed to be a mundane one!  Your life is supposed to be overwhelming with joy, and not sadness, and not pain, and not more grief that seems it's so hard to handle.  You're not supposed to feel as though you're going out of control based on what other people are willing to do, and especially when it comes to the laws that they created.  They can't understand the law of love, so they can't understand even what their many man-made laws were supposed to protect.  But, they were supposed to protect YOU!  Protect you from bad things, and hurtful things from getting in your way of achieving your goals in life.  And, when they still try and they still get paid to do these very hurtful things to you, you've got to fight like hell to make it right, or it's always going to be wrong.  Because the world I know is a world that will kick you dead if you let it.  They will kick you down in so many ways and in so many more ways that I'll let God count them all, for all the ways that they're willing to get paid to purposefully kick you and take your life right out of your chests and get you to feel as though you've got to give up!  Don't give up!  Don't let these people get you down, because I promise you, you've got something more powerful to give then these people EVER had to give you.  Not with their laws!  Not with their justices and creating more ways for the injustice in your life to railroad you from side to side of this life and get you to fear them!  They are nothing to fear folks!  They are spineless, heartless jerks that just want to control you, and create a mind-boggle for you to get you on top of their plans for you, while never giving a crap about what happens to you or your plans and goals for reaching your final destiny.  They don't care about your goals, or your hearts, or what you want to make so in this world, and when you're up against an bad corporation, or many bad corporate entities, you might find yourself giving up, and I'm telling you to never give up.  Because, it doesn't matter how many tears that these people kick into your eyes, you've got something more gracious than they ever had.  It's called grace!  It's called hope!  It's called the undying human spirit that is with you and in you.  It's called love!

When you help a man up, or a child who can't walk, or give love to your pets and to your friends, you're giving something more to yourselves.  When you give to the homeless and give a "hand-out" to the needy, you're giving something better to yourselves.  Your giving yourself that grace of knowing that you helped out someone else and I can assure you that those things are going to make you much more rich in the end, when the things that you give come back.  You share something of value to another, and you are sharing that same value to yourself.  When, what good does it do us, when we aren't willing to give?  We give nothing, and we get nothing but blank stares of satiated hearts in hopes that are lost.  Those hopes can become lost forever, just as life can become lost, and losing a life - is a loss forever.  I promise you although there are people working hard on their side to make sure that your hope is lost, you have something beyond beautiful to give yet still, and it's bigger and brighter and better than anything these people could ever think that you had to offer.  Because they offer more garbage being shoveled over your shoulders and some don't even realize it.  Their faiths in you are broken, because their own faith is broken in the spirit that is not of the spirit that I'm talking about but in their own letters, and their own vices and lip service.  You have more to give, I promise you, than a lip service.  You have more to offer other people than that of some letter.  You have more to offer because you are a beacon of truth.  And, you can hold that truth for forever, and know that in the end, no matter what happens that you did the right thing.  Through all the turmoil and all the pain and anguish that's in your soul, you can know that what you did was way more than what these other people are willing to do to get paid on, because I promise to you that you're worth more than that.  You're worth more than all of their scoffing and all their dressed up in making themselves seem as though they're better than you, but there isn't one better.  Better actions, and better behaviors, but there is not one better here than then next.  

If we aren't equals, and you lose faith, you lose your spirit, and your gift is merely letters and lip service that will get you nowhere in the end, because you're whole being was meant for more than that.  You're worth more than taring people down for trying.  You're worth more than being up against a thousand men that think you're wrong when you're trying your hardest to do the right thing.  There is something that you can provide that no other person in the world can offer up.  You have gifts within you, reachable gifts that can change people's hearts, and even change the course of the world forever.  What do they need?  What do the homeless need?  What does the hurting people need?  You have something to offer and you have to fight for your position to be that person and to share that gift with the world, and when you can't share your gifts, your treasure is still inside of your hearts.  And, I'll agree that there are people that are going to stop you at every chance they can grab onto to try and mess up your situation in life, but - you still have more than they'll ever have, because the songs that are in your heart and the wisdom that you've come across, no one else can take those things you've learned away from you.

You might even be like me, where I've learned so many things that it makes life feel depressing, even feel hopeless at times, but I still know that there is more of a reason why I learned these things, because I learned them on my own and asking my God to put me in front of the information that I was getting, and that I wanted it to be wholesome and true.  I wanted it to be for me, and I wanted it to be something that no one else knew.  And, I learned alright.  I learned what a lot of people already know to be true in their own hearts, and part of that is just that you all have more to offer than what you are being allowed to do.  This life sucks sometimes, and this life, is just so uncaring and cold, that yes - it's going to hurt, but beyond that hurt, is something beautiful that you have to offer that no one else has ever thought up to offer.  And, the way you offer your gift is more gracious than any other.  And, in my dream, it's like music to my ears, and dreaming of being in that light, and in that view for other people to see just how much I care, that I would cry up on that spotlight, and in my heart would feel as though someone just turned up the heat.  But, it's an emotional; state, where I'm screaming my hearts song, and the hearts that matter would be the ones that are paying attention and caring beyond what other people are willing to do.  These days, it's a lot easier not to care.  It's a whole lot easier to not  show up, and a whole lot easier to give up - and I say don't ever stop caring; don't ever stop showing up, and don't you EVER give up - because you've got something more to give, and with your gift - you're going to do things that others aren't even willing to do, let alone you're going to give it in a different way that others aren't willing to accept.  It's called faith that people lose when they are broken, and their own faith in themselves might be true and might carry the weight of a real hearts gift, but their faiths in you are the faiths that matter, because I truly believe that God gave us a gift of speaking things into existence.  When God went to work and in 6 days created all this world, he created through his voice and through the vibrations of his thoughts.  And, this is why you are all imaginative, and creative beings, and you all have a desire for something more in life, is because God had first wanted something more than to be alone and without you all, so that is why He created you.  He wanted to make you so that you could move within the spirit of Him, and do things in ways that no one else cared to notice, because He had gifts for everyone, and everyone is a gift and should be a gift for God.  We aren't just mankind searching out our world and our universe rather the universe is still searching yet for you.  

the affect that you can take into others lives is the most valuable trade of currency there is.  It's not money, and not telling people what you think they ought to do, but showing them that they are doing it, and showing them how they are making it.  It's not telling others something that they shouldn't be doing, rather giving them encouragement to keep doing the things that they are doing so they can become better.  When you tell someone to stop with this topic, or to stop doing this thing that you love, you're only hurting them, and furthermore, you must be hurting yourselves.  You're not sharing the love that the spirit had to offer through faith and encouragement rather you are feeding the letter and the feeding the flesh.  You know how much more can be made in this world when you feed the spirit?  You're biting the hand that feeds you, and even your own hands by allowing yourself to tell someone else what they should or shouldn't be doing.  You don't know their trials, and everyone's trial is different, and everyone's conviction is different.  There are no two the same.  We are all created to be unique and at the same time just as beautiful as the next is.  There is a voice inside of reason that cries out for you to understanding, and there is another master on the other side waiting for you, to give you encouragement, and to give you reason.  What is that reason?  It's called purpose.

You are ready when you become that beacon of light to do beautiful things in this world.  And, when you are ready this world is yours today.  You'll only be given two choices when you are ready to do anything in this world.  You can love, or you can fear.  And fear can lead to hatred.  So choose the love over fear and don't ever let fear, or the fear in others, turn you against your own playful hearts.  Hug others and embrace their fears.  Don't ever tell anyone that what they are doing is wrong, because they won't understand you, and won't respond well.  Instead of seeing yourselves as shut, and shut-tightly, start to see yourself as an opening to the whole world - to move through and work through, and to make a difference in other peoples lives.  I see people being used in a horrible way by life, instead of allowing that love to embrace each other, and allowing you to use life to empower and to encourage, we sometimes let fear control what we aren't seeing.  We aren't seeing facts of our own ability.  Even in our worst conditions and our most painful events and times in our life, you must not stay off those topics, because those topics are the gift that other people can't see yet, because they are still afraid to go into places of this world that you are willing to go, and they might not want to see you hurt, or maybe some of them do, but for the most part - from what I see is that they let fear control and dictate their lives.  Instead of improving the quality of life and this gift that you have to offer, they leave you in discouragement, and fear, and leave you in madness, because that's all the further that they've been able to go.  They might go to certain places still seeking that answer when the answer is just listening to that still small voice inside of yourselves that you know is right, and it cannot be wrong because that voice is coming from the one that created you to become everything that you are today.  It's just that when other people can break down that spirit inside of you and you begin to listen to those people, you begin to lose focus, and lose sight of your gifts, and people aren't willing to accept that gift from you because they aren't living in that love and yet living in that fear that is driven into people from all sides of this life that cannot yet contest to the facts that they ever had anything more to give, when they did, and they still do.  This world wants to drive fear into you, and drive the same fear that it gives into you and pull it out of you so that instead of filling up the stadium with more hope and light then anyone can bear, they spew out fear at you, and it turns into hatred, and hatred my friends is a powerful tool that is used to break people from their own spirits.  But, you were made to expand your resources with sharing wisdom so that we can grow together, and not grow separate from each other, we were meant to expand in that light and grow, and not expand the darkness that this world is feeding on today.  You were born to be something great, and not something that other people can't have faith in your being!  God asked us to have faith in Him, and even in the impossible, it was said that nothing is impossible to Him, if you ask in Jesus' name and believe and say Amen, that all things are possible with Him.  There is nothing too hard for Him to do, and nothing can stand in the spirit of Thy will.  So long as it isn't lip service or your letter, from your flesh, it's from Him.  So why can't we believe in each other in the same ways?  It's not pride to love, it's selfless.  It's not proud to hate, because hate is selfish.  

I promise you, that you were born to greatness, and not what people's limited faith can see of you, but what you are capable of.  I promise you that when you grow with the spirit that you will grow in completeness.  You cannot grow it out, and you cannot outgrow the love that God has for you, only you can deny His love and deny the love from each other, and each others gifts and spirit can become broken in our own faiths that we have, or don't have, in each other.  

If you wait until you are able to do everything for everyone else, instead of something - even small - for another, you'll end up doing nothing for no one, and not even yourselves.  You'll end up alone, isolated, and hurting and clinging to the longing with that hopeless feeling still tucked away inside of all that fear.  So be that change that you wish to see in the world, and don't get off the topic of your gifts.  It might sound horrible sometimes, painful at others, but as you are writing out of love for people to learn something they do not yet know, just know that sometimes other people will sabotage you with their own fear and misunderstanding on why you write, and why you are doing some of the things that you are willing to do.  You have more to offer a world than this world has to offer you, I promise you that.  You have a powerful gift that you are not sharing, because fear stands in the way, and all that is left on the doorstep of that gift is more hopelessness, and more pain, and more hurt.  If you want to change that you have to be willing to go into the places of your own life that you have not gone yet, and if you say that you can't, I won't believe you.  When you say that you won't, I'll believe that, but it's not a good choice when you are sacrificing to place fear over love, and closed doors over open ones.  It's that fact that splits us up, when it wasn't said to divide, but to multiply.  

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