There’s Nothing More Important Than Kindness - Lessons To Learn, Inspired by Don Miguel Ruiz

in #inspiration7 years ago

Sometimes You can catch a simply wonderful, heartwarming story with a deep lesson whats important in life. A touching and moving tale about a young boy, an innocent child's friendship and unique connection with a gentle and kind woman. It might leave you with some tears. I cried. 

One off the best I read this year, we all can learn from. The virtue of kindness! I will also mention a few more valuable insights and a practical guide by one of my gurus. 

Don Miguel Ángel Ruiz (born 1952), better known as Don Miguel Ruiz, is a Mexican author of Toltec spiritualist and neoshamanistic texts. His work is part of the New Age movement that focuses on ancient  teachings as a means to achieve spiritual enlightenment. -  Source Wikipedia

Todays inspiration was Paul Villard’s story An Old Telephone. 

It is unbelievably warm and sincere. It reminds us once more that what really matters in this world  is not prestige, popularity, or wealth, but for our hearts to be warmed  by kindness and love. - Read on! 

Don’t cry. You’ll be all right

When I was quite young, my family had one of the first telephones  in our neighborhood. I remember well the polished oak case fastened  to the wall on the lower stair landing. The shiny receiver hung on the  side of the box. I even remembered the number: 105. I was too little to reach the telephone, but I used to listen with  fascination when my mother talked into it. Once she lifted  me up to speak to my father, who was away on business. Magic! Then  I discovered that somewhere inside that wonderful device lived  an amazing person — her name was “Information Please,“ and there was  nothing that she did not know. My mother could ask her for anybody’s  number and when our clock ran down, Information Please immediately  supplied the correct time. My first personal experience with this genie-in-the-receiver came one  day while my mother was visiting a neighbor. Amusing myself at the tool  bench in the basement, I whacked my finger with a hammer. The pain was  terrible, but there didn’t seem to be much use crying because there was  no one home to offer sympathy. I walked around the house sucking  my throbbing finger, finally arriving at the stairway. The telephone!  Quickly, I ran for the footstool in the parlor and dragged it to the  landing. Climbing up, I unhooked the receiver and held it to my ear.  ”Information Please,“ I said into the mouthpiece just above my head.  A click or two, and a small clear voice spoke into my ear.  “Information.” ”I hurt my fingerrr-“ I wailed into the phone. The tears  came readily enough now that I had an audience. ”Isn’t your mother  home?“ came the question. “Nobody’s at home but me,” I blubbered. “Are  you bleeding?“ ”No,” I replied. “I hit it with the hammer, and  it hurts.” ”Can you open your icebox?“ she asked. I said I could. ”Then  chip off a little piece of ice, and hold it on your finger. That will  stop the hurt. Be careful when you use the ice pick,“ she admonished.  “And don’t cry. You’ll be all right.” - SOURCE 

Our world is so beautiful and those words full of love! 

Whatever happens around you, don't take it personally... Nothing other  people do is because of you. It is because of themselves.   
Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom 

Love them! 

Image Source and art by Bansky 

The Words and Book of Toltec Wisdom by Don Miguel Ruiz  

As @mindhunter said : The 4 pillars of @mammasitta wisdom right there ;) in one of his replies

I try ! Its not easy and I have to admit that I broke most of those agreements but I am still learning.

You need a very strong will in order to adopt the Four Agreements—but if you can begin to live your life with these agreements, the transformation in your life will be amazing. You will see the drama of hell disappear right before your very eyes. Instead of living in a dream of hell, you will be creating a new dream—your personal dream of heaven. 

  Image Source 

The Four Agreements 

 The 1st Agreement: Be Impeccable with Your Word 

I wish I could take back some of those ugly words I screamed full of uncontrolled anger. I regret those moments of helplessness. 

The 2nd Agreement: Don’t Take Anything Personally 

I always took everything to personal and criticised myself for others problems and issues with themselves. It doesn't have anything to do with me I finally realised. All I can do is to listen. 

The 3rd Agreement: Don’t Make Assumptions

Thats a good one and I am still on it to learn because as I know well I am thinking way too much. 

 Image Source 

The 4th Agreement: Always Do Your Best  

I really do but its not always the best for my loved ones. I am a mother and wished to be perfect but I think I failed my daughter in many ways and only love can overcome all disagreements. 

Image Source

Experience Life! >>> Pdf File 

I heard about Don Miguel Riz for the first time visiting South American friends, attending an interesting Kakao ceremony in the countryside of Austria. 

I agree with all my heart and guidance to grow every day

In The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, the Four Agreements offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love. - Goodreads 

Enjoy the book 


Lets be spiritual and light warriors and live a life changing journey of happiness !




Hello @smooth and @abit
I wonder if your down-votes are done automatically or do you actually also read sometimes? I am all for That so called Experiment but I still find it Unkind !

I deliberately voted for your post at only 50% just so you would not get downvoted (you are a valuable community member and deserve encouragement!) - but you still did. I really hope they lose their places as witnesses!

Thats so so sweet of you to say. I saw the down vote as I always get for every post I make. They can't crush me! Those guys never paid attention on anything I do since June but I still power up and up little by little . Most important , I am having fun creating and interacting with such awesome people here.

I really wish that your plans work out

Time for Sade

So far I've seen a lot of kindness here with some really mean stuff mixed in. I guess you just have to learn how to navigate.

It all depends what you choose to see 🙈

Im still learning the 3rd!!! It is so difficult and how I see it I will continue learning til the end ;)

its never too late to learn and trust me I approach my 60's and still have no clue :) oh well , a little bit haha

Top drawer wisdom from @mammasitta!

Those 4 pillars kept me going because damn in high mature age I still feel I know 'NOTHING". Hugs for your replies and love for mammasitta's . haha

Those seductive avatar eyes are the finest I've seen on Steemit! I LOVE TO SEE EM'!!

OMG , Now I am really blushing :) but I have to admit that I am thriving and dancing with those eyes through life . They became a bit sad and disappointed but still wide open. Thank you my friend !

Cheeky eyes and smiles everywhere ... happy dancing @mammasitta ;)

"I'm so blue" was not the song you were singing me this morning! Cheer up girl! Loving the pic ... I shall also reveal my smile - the one that went around the world :)

I am not blue inside at all ....only blue in that photo 🦋🍭 great smile and good to see the real you . Have a rocking day and weekend. I am off dancing and eating tonight

I can safely say it's the only avatar I've seen that eclipses mine ;) (being modest of course!)

Since we are on a very transparent platform I allow myself to send you the real me, a photo taken a couple of years ago because avatars are so vague, with a huge smile your way lol
"I am so blue " like Billy Holiday sings

Good agreements.

Must say agreement 1 "Be Impeccable with Your Word" can be very very though, especially when using a non native language, like for instance here on Steemit I suppose quite a few people make conversations not with their native language.

Also, words are left to interpretations, some words have a difference meaning to one person to another and then I mean the nuance and strength of the word itself; the (interpretation and/of) strength of the word may even vary per region in a country, or between different generations.

I also believe that people should be able to forgive someone when using some strong words when, for instance, being angry; almost everybody will in those situations be a bit more strong in their wordings then normal and I like to think generally more strong then we really want to be and mean to be.

That said: we always shall be careful not be use too strong words deliberately; I agree to that for sure.

Thanks for the post; A very good one!

This is the longest ever comment I got from you and all I can say : I am so happy for our new found friendship . You rock n roll @edje I have more to say but need to get ready for dinner and a nice long techno dance tonight and forget steemit for a little bit.

For everything a first time, also my comment length :)

Enjoy! :)


Excellent ideals to live by @mammasitta, you have a kind and passionate heart :)

Thank you very very much @dreemit Means a lot that you find such kind words for me. My heart is bruised but I try to keep it protected and gentle. Not always that easy.

Love this post. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you very very much :) I just followed you and looking forward to read your posts as well.

Nice...mammasita !

Thanks so so much . I hope I inspire with those thoughts

Here's another book that helps improve my attitude:

How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World
by Harry Brown

I am on my own crazy path of gaining wisdom but what do I know ? I am thankful for your suggestion of improving my attitude as well :) Danke Viemals.

Awesome! Have you also read his book Mastery of Love?

Thats what I have to learn :)


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