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RE: Operation Mockingbird 2018: NYT publishes anonymous hit piece

Trump Derangement Syndrome is very real. I’m amazed by how people are so easily coerced into believing nonsense pushed by the mainstream media.

Otherwise intelligent people walk around complaining about how trump is ruining everything & is an idiot. If trump were an idiot, he would have to be a court jester type distraction & would thus have no real power & affect nothing. So complaining about him is pointless. If trump really is as powerful as the trump complainer deranged people think he is than he cannot be idiot. Idiots do not rise to the level of POTUS.

You either admit the office is a sham or that Trump is probably more intelligent than you are & you have far too little information to judge his decision making or intelligence.

Blindly being a Trump hater is following the narrative being written by the same press who has helped enslave most of the humans onthis earth via debt & lies.

Trump is one man, flawed like the rest of us. He does not have the most power in the world. That position is never elected, you have to be born into the inner circles of power to even begin to understand what is really going on, which I am not. & I highly doubt anyone walking around with Trump derangement syndrome is intelligent enough to understand the real power structure. Much easier to parrot the “honest” people working for the privately owned press who have no agenda 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


yup, usually people try to claim that they were beaten by the best when they lose so as to save face, they don't cry that they were beaten by an incompetent idiot, don't they see what that says about them?

in case someone needs a reference I have proposed diagnostic criteria for TDS

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