
Thanks for this response @zanoni :-) I'm glad you're able to contact the man personally; I wouldn't know how to do that and honestly have never tried to. I'm just throwing the idea out here, and it would be a little dishonest for me to personally invite him I think. But, I would gladly forward him a link to this post if you can tell me how :-)

Hi there mr. Jones, writers @infowars,

I write you this message to express my utter disappointment in the way you all have been treated by the large social-media platforms, I don't believe naming them again is necessary or even appropriate; they should all be banned and never be spoken of again...

If it just were so easy... Even I myself cannot escape the use of those damned machine-learning algorithms by the hands of those internet-demons! But I'm glad to be able to present you with an alternative that may be worth your attention.

Truth be said: I'm not a fan, on the contrary. But that doesn't take away from my conviction that anyone should be able to speak their minds, especially in these times of almost universal deceit in the mainstream.

That's why I took the liberty to to speak my mind on this whole rotten subject on my favorite online social platform, Steemit. This is a blogging platform that runs on a public decentralized blockchain which means anything published there is eternally encoded into this highly secured blockchain and that there's no way for the government or whoever else to remove said content or to censor it in any way.

Since it runs on a blockchain with its own crypto-currency, it's also designed for popular content to be monetized by readers' likes (upvotes). So, I would like to invite you to join us freedom loving souls there! You can read my article here: An Open Invitation To Alex Jones If you want to join, and why wouldn't you, please visit

Keep fighting the good fight, and I hope to see you join the best blogging platform on the web soon!

Best regards,

So, that;s the message I sent them :-) Thanks for your suggestion!

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