
So, here's the thing. I am not personally "for abortion". The whole thing upsets me, I don't like it and I would never get one for myself and I will never support abortion beyond the point the fetus can feel pain unless in absolute life-saving necessity.

That said, I cannot and will not speak for any other woman and her life, her situation, or her needs. My opinion of the blanket subject has zero importance in the grand scheme. It isn't my body, it isn't my choice. And I will not look down on another woman for making that choice, she knows what is best for her, not me.

Only 1% of abortions are sought after 20 weeks of pregnancy in the U.S.

I can only imagine the emotional turmoil those women are going through. I have an ex that threatened to push me down the stairs if I ever got pregnant. Who knows what other women are going through?

It is not my place to judge, and it is nobody's place to force this on women.

Your position doesn't differ to much from mine, hell I would even urge compassion for women who actually murder their own babies(talking after they are born) while thinking abortion is a terrible thing for women.

Here is a more reasoned take on the recent Alabama legislation...

As far as "post birth abortions", where exactly did you hear that?

There are anectodal stories of such things happening and they rip at the soul. However, a simple fact check shows that isn't the law.


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