Ummm...If Clinton is running again, AND SHE IS...what does this say about the whole SWAMP-DRAINING THING??

in #informationwar6 years ago

The more I look around at the news, the more I am beginning to doubt the whole 50-D Chess theory of Trumpian Restoration that his supporters are always chiming in about. Sure, his rhetoric (except v.v. Middle East foreign policy) has been WONDERFUL for some time. I pointed out here a couple of days ago, most of the big "kept promises" have been watered down (or erased) in reality, as compared to the trumpeting of the initial "success." Go back and read that article in my blog, if you need to get up to speed.

Now, we are hearing that the WITCH IS NOT DEAD, and is planning to run for President again. Worse yet, this promise from HER seems to indicate she's not even feeling the pressure...i.e. is not even under any real threat of criminal prosecution, or any accountability of any type for her MURDEROUS, TREASONOUS, EVIL. Get my drift??

Consider this article:

"'You can expect her to run for president once again,' they predicted. 'Maybe not at first, when the legions of Senate Democrats make their announcements, but definitely by the time the primaries are in full swing.' Penn’s sentiments should come as no surprise to any of us that watch or read the news. A couple of weeks ago, Hillary said she’d 'like to be President' during an interview with Recode’s Kara Swisher. Clinton’s Super PAC is raising money. She’s running again. Make no mistake about it. Democrats have nudged, pushed, and shoved Clinton out to pasture, but she’s simply not going away."


The only thing worse than knowing she is not wearing orange on death row with her equally corrupt and evil husband, the whole Bush gang, and the rest of the globalist billionaire pedo club is the thought of seeing her on my television screen for the next 23 months, ONCE AGAIN.


Or, call a national press conference, tell the truth, and retire.

Enough, is enough.


It's hard for me to trust anyone who is a "high ranking official." Anyone who does the research soon discovers that there is very little difference between the blue and the red. Words mean nothing when we see that wars still rage, the middle class no longer exists, and the rich get richer. Same program everywhere.

Indeed. That's why included BOTH the Clintons and the Bushes in my desire for justice.

Sorry, but there is very little chance that any of them will get off the pot on there own.

Right, but it also appears there is very little chance any real swamp draining is likely to happen either.

sir way! when is she gonna give it up? This is amazing, I don't know if it's good or bad news. They quoted Kellyanne Conway as saying "Please God let it be true" when she heard that Hillary might be running again.

It can not be good for the country. I don't care if it's good for some other politician.

A third Hillary Clinton run would be the best news I've heard in a while. The more determined she is, the less chance a candidate with any actual voter-likability will run. Imagine the wave of outraged silence as voters who voted her down in the 2016 primary after their man Bernie got trampled, only to see her LOSE to a man they hated, hear that their hopes once again rest on her? There'll scarcely be a Democrat in the country who goes to the polls.
Hell, they might be so disgusted they'll even leave their dead relatives at home on election day!

Yea, but she may have been promised the Presidency this time, and if that were the case, she will be President...never mind who does or doesn't vote. I just don't want to have to HEAR ABOUT HER in any way, whatsoever, for the next two years, except about how her behavior has been in prison.

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