
I am tired of our troops being used as cannon fodder, to protect the money for certain people.

Let the Arabs fight the Arabs, They hate each other due to religion variations, and they will continue to kill one another until they kill one side off.

I see no reason to put our Men between them!


well it is due to US support of the saudis that there are so many weapons to do war with in the first place... if USA never intervened in the middle east in the first place there wouldnt be so many weapons there around... I really dislike how immoral Saudi Arabia can be... US chose a bad ally... US is also renting out the military in exchange for money to Saudi... I would welcome if US joined germany in their weapon embargo on turkey and saudi arabia, but trump vetoed against the saudi weapon embargo...

Money buy weapons. Embargoes just raise the costs of those weapons, but does Not stop them.

There are no good Arab allies, they all want us dead....

The initial intervntion was intended to be humanitarian, but that was before oil. After oil, money moved in and deep stated protection for that money.

I don't care if they sell arms, as long as we are not there. They will kill themselves anyway, newer weapons just speed the process. Hate is the real problem over there, not weapons. There is chronic hate there, and they can't let it go!

The Hatfields and McCoys were amateurs, these people have been fueding for 3000 years.


i could not agree with you. it did get bad after ronald raegen agreed to give weapons to saudi in exchange for the end of the oil blockade.

also most wars in that region are actually proxy wars between Iran and Saudi. Saudi will fund sunni radicals and governments while iran will fund shia radicals and governments. if the money and weapons from those 2 countries keep flooding in, then there will always be a government of some religion fighting against radicals of a country. the yemen war would stop after 2 months if saudi did not have the weapons to continuously bomb yemen. also saudi was one of the countries that heavily funded isis. they are also heavily supporting haftar in the lybia war. its all a proxy war.

their actions dont only take the lifes of people of that region, but saudi takes child soldiers from sudan aswell to fight in the yemen war. I saw a recent report on that.

unlike other arab countries, the yemen aliance countries dont take in refugees at all, and fund a lot of terrorist organizations. if u compare to the refugees that got taken in small jordan, they have something like few million refugees, while these countries have 0.

You listed the problem. There are two factions of islam killing one another. They have unlimited funding to buy weapons.

We learned from prohibition, that making something illegal does nothing to stop it. A total arms embargo will not stop the killing. It will simply cost more for the weapons, or force them to use home made chemical or biological ones.

If that doesn't work, they will continue with swords and rocks. They HATE one another, and intend to keep fighting until one side is wiped out.

Then they will begin exporting murder. They are insane.

its simply a cold war. the same insanity happened between russia and US and you guys got over it... similar proxy wars were fought in vietnam and korea... the quran never asked for this, and in fact says that countries shouldnt start war or call each other unbeliever... in the quran even christians and jews are believers... because of their power they can twist the words of the quran to make pawns fight for them...

but once the power balance is off then the other side has no reason to start wars anymore... i would hope in a weapon embargo that saudi would stop funding terrorists and provoke where ever they can... when USA pulled out of vietnam it didnt destroy vietnam either... just like USA pulled out of vietnam, saudi needs to pull out of yemen.

It is a family feud that was hot four thousand year before the USA existed. It will only stop with the second coming! The core is Hate, and they will kill one another until they are all dead. Weapons are secondary, hate is the driver. It would be sticks and knives if they had nothing less!

As long as Saudi has oil money, they will fund those that will kill for their shared beliefs

When the USA pulled out of Vietnam, the real Vietnam died, and was replaced by a totalitarian communist government. I have friends from there that STILL can not visit family! One had his Family murdered....

ik i dislike the communist party there aswell, but that did not justify to fake the gulf of tonkien attack to start a loosing war and the use of agent orange and napalm
" The original American report blamed North Vietnam for both incidents, but the Pentagon Papers, the memoirs of Robert McNamara, and NSA publications from 2005, proved material misrepresentation by the US government to justify a war against Vietnam. "

the true intention of the war was to prevent the spread of communism... vietnam was just the playing field of US... as soon US was playing the game so was russia

EDIT: also i would like to point out that the iranian government as it is now has been only there since 1979 which is when religion became an issue... before that was a dictator that came to power due to a USA made coup and he was ruthless and so a revolt happened... before 1979 iran and israel were even friends... its not an ongoing family feud, and modern liberal muslims dont even follow the haddith (the book shia and sunny argue about) but just the quran... there have been times in history where islamic empires were very liberal as well but there was not a constant family feud

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