Flashed With Women In White Dress | Sekelebat Bersama Wanita Bergaun Putih

in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)



Solar light through the leaves.
I picked up the rhyme between the clouds.
Whisper to me for a moment O women in white dress.

Cahaya surya menembus dedaunan.
Aku memunguti temali di antara guguran gemawan.
Bisikkan padaku sejenak wahai wanita bergaun putih.

Thin white walls incarnate.
I stomped this foot into somewhere else.
Hope to meet you there.
Under the lantern drop of trees.

Dinding putih nan tipis menjelma.
Aku hentak kaki ini menuju entah berantah.
Dengan harapan bisa berjumpa denganmu di sana.
Di bawah tetesan lentera pepohonan.

I'll rain your hair with a kiss.
I span your body with poems.
Disarm your sweat with the warm of the script.
But I did not find your caress either.

Akan aku hujani rambutmu dengan kecupan.
Ku jelajahi jengkal tubuhmu dengan sajak-sajak.
Melucuti peluhmu dengan berama hangatnya aksara.
Namun tidak juga aku jumpai belaianmu.

I see you dance drenched in snow between shrubs.
Again I stomp my feet trying to reach you.
I ignored the thorns that scratch my bare feet.

Aku lihat kau menari bermandikan salju di antara perdu.
Lagi-lagi aku hentakkan kaki mencoba menggapaimu.
Tanpa aku hiraukan duri yang mengores kaki telanjangku.

However, flick your dress among the pine trees, strolling in the same way with the wind.
Disguised in the fog, lost in the eye.

Namun, kibasan gaunmu di antara pohon pinus, melenggang senada dengan angin.
Menyaru dalam butanya kabut, hilang dalam pandangan mata.

Women in white dress!
That's who you are.
Come and go at will,
Without this fingers always want to reach it.

Wanita bergaun putih !
Itulah dirimu.
Datang dan pergi semaunya,
Tanpa menahu jemari ini selalu ingin menggapainya.


in every word you write, it's all about a beutiful women in your dream maybe, but I'm sure you're in falling in love...bravo..

thank you for reading and commenting on my post.
"love is the most ancient energy in the world. from the first until now love is still there"

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