Rise of the New Global Super Rich, and the Fall of the rest of us.

in #humanity3 years ago



David Martin, PhD, is a lawyer and investigator who specializes in investigating medical and pharmaceutical patents. He concentrated on the patents for the genetic codes governing the components of the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA so-called Covid-19 “vaccines”. These components include the mRNA molecule itself, the nanoparticle graphinated PEG envelope that protects it from being destroyed by the human immune system after it has been injected into the bloodstream and the spike protein which the mRNA molecule causes cells of the human body to manufacture in trillions post-injection and distribute all over the body of anyone who has been injected with these components of Pfizer’s or Moderna’s so-called vaccines; these toxic proteins act like a trillion spikes ripping into the lining of blood vessels and causing blood clots, strokes and irreparable damage to heart and lung and brain and nerve tissue.

To Mr Martin, it is vital to our understanding of what the Covid-19 “pandemic” is and what these so-miscalled “vaccines” are to realize that these molecules are not anything in nature. They have been designed on computers and manufactured to design.

Graphene Oxide has been found in batches of both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s “vaccines. This is the one ingredient that these companies have not boasted of because Graphene is a heavy metal poison which does the damage of microscopic razors to human cells. Graphene also has a long developmental history traceable in patents. One of the chief manufacturers of Graphene Oxide for industrial use is located in China and is owned by a pyramid of ownership including Pfizer. The ability of Graphene to be responsive to stimulation by radio waves is an industry boast. What a pharmaceutical company is doing injecting this magnetic substance into human bloodstreams is mysterious, to put it far too politely.

Martin maintains that “novel coronavirus” is the most dishonest characterization of the coronavirus alleged to cause Covid-19 disease because everything about this virus has been manufactured and the patent history proves it. There is nothing “novel” about this virus or these so-called vaccines. The patents obtained for some of these viral and nanoparticle components by a network of pharmaceutical companies and allied university and private laboratories go back 10 to 20 years and even to the mid 1990s. The spike protein genetic code, for example, was developed by Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and the PEG nanoparticle envelope which protects the mRNA molecule in the bloodstream of the “vaccinated” was developed by two pharmaceutical companies located right here in Vancouver and acquired by Pfizer.

The habit people have of saying “they”, meaning anonymous rich people, are responsible for the Pandemic, the Vaccine Passports and the mandates, is unhelpful, says David Martin. You can’t prosecute anonymous “they” people in court. The international power brokers who are doing these crimes against humanity have names and addresses and publicly available career histories and associations that can be traced. David Martin has assembled a rogues gallery of real people whose commercial and political influence is paramount in the prosecution of not just the Pandemic and not just the global imposition of Vaccine Mandates and the Vaccine “Passports”, but far more basically the global governance model Klaus Schwab calls “The Great Reset”.

Most of these names are new to me. But one name jumped right out. That is Chrystia Freeland, our Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance in Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government. Since 2019 she has been called "The Minister of Everything”. There have been rumours of her unsavoury associations with “nationalists” in Ukraine and her grandfather's history of Nazi collaboration in Poland during World War Two. All you have to do is poke into Wikipedia and into publicly available news articles in Canada to find out that these associations are factual.

Chrystia Freeland was born in Canada but her remarkable rise to global influence was mostly accomplished abroad. "On April 18, 2019, she was ranked 37th among the world's leading leaders in Fortune Magazine's annual list,” says Wikipedia. That alone is a picture of where Freeland’s power, associations, and ambitions lie.

How did Freeland become such a power in the Justin Trudeau government? She published her second book, “Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else” in 2012 to great international acclaim. Justin Trudeau met her at one of her book signings and urged her to join the Party and get herself elected. She achieved lift-off then and there. Just a glance at her life history gives me the feeling she has had shadowy international powers’ helping hand at her back.

Freeland has worked with the UK and Germany [2018] to rescue and re-settle the White Helmets, the propaganda outfit for Al-Qaeda in Syria. Freeland was an activist against the Soviet Union in Ukraine in 1989, organizing marches and protests with the help of Canadian diplomatic staff. By the time of the violent, US supported Maidan Coup which overthrew the government of Ukraine in 2014 and installed a new government whose officials were outright Neo-Nazis who boasted of their ambition to kill Russians and Jews, Freeland was in a much more powerful position of advocacy against Russia.

Right now, the tension between Ukraine and Russia is causing worry around the globe and speculation is rampant that war between Russia and Ukraine may be immanent and if it happens it could even escalate to a nuclear war between the US and Russia. This situation has been long prepared and Chrystia Freeland has spent effective decades helping to prepare it. There’s no direct connection between Freeland and pharmaceutical companies or the WHO as far as I know. But her position as 37th on the list of world leaders is plain for all to see. So Canada is definitely being used as a staging ground for the “Rise of the New Global Super Rich” and the Fall of the rest of us, whether we like it or not.

Chrystia Freeland. Just one of those names on the wall of shame, the international fixers enabling crimes against humanity unequalled for depravity in the history of civilization.

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