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RE: Chingrish Is A Thing

in #hove-1745785 years ago

I think it’s really important to look at the acquisition of Steemit Inc programmatically for the Steem Blockchain and it’s all users - which expands far beyond just blogs we have so many @steemonsters only players and others that have a wallet just for their various dapps they enjoy. Let’s not forget Steem offers a wallet like any other cryptocurrency - but unlike any other cryptocurrency you can do so many amazing things with that wallet - that’s the appeal.

I’m no cryptocurrency genius, and can not give financial advice. But Justin Sun bought with Steemit Inc a massive amount of Steem - the numbers bounce around but it doesn’t really matter - that Steem is his investment. It’s the same Steem you own, I own and everyone else with a Stake in Steem owns. Why would he do anything other then try to make the value of that Steem climb?


Yes. I do agree with that unless he was just trying to eliminate any competition for his future projects. I am hopeful this is't the case and it becomes something much much bigger. When companies acquire other businesses they normally incorporate the bits they want and not necessarily the entire package. It wouldn't take much to get the Steem price up and he has his investment back plus profit.

That is my feeling, he will do whatever he can to increase the Steem value and that will benefit everyone that holds it. Who knows what his other plans are, that is a different concern and only time will tell.

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