How To Make Candles at Home

in #homesteading5 years ago

Let's discuss how to make candle at home. If you are keeping the bees and get the beeswax, then you can use that for making the candle as well. So here's the simple tutorial on how to do just that.


Image credit: Unsplash

Here are some of the items that you need for making candles.

  1. Candle wax
  2. Fragrance Oil
  3. Pour Bowl
  4. candle mold
  5. Wick

Take the wax and put it into the pan where you can melt it. Then add the wax into the mold using the pour bowl. You can add the fragrance oil into the wax while it's hot. Once you add it in the mold, you can let it cool down. Make sure to add the wick before you can let it cool.

That's it. You're all ready with the candle.

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