Weekly Homestead Photography Contest!

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

Yay, this week's #homesteadphotography challenge by @knowledge-seeker gives me a bit of hope, as I have taken several nice landscape shots of our place!

I selected a summer shot, taken in late July, at sunset, with the sun filtering through the great ash tree in our yard! There's a lovely purple glow in the distance that I particularly like, in the hills beyond the flowering sunflowers!

Front and center is the wife, prepping dinner for 4, next to our large chamomile patch (we're stocked for the winter!). Further down is our vegetable garden, with the infant orchard to the right.

I do hope I won't get disqualified for that, but I really cannot help but add a spring and autumn and winter shots of our place as well, just to close the loop, so to say!

Thank you all for visiting!

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Really beautiful shot - that purple on the horizon is gorgeous! Really enjoyed those seasonal shots too - it's great to see how a landscape changes through the year.

Such wonderful space you have there with the potential for so much. Very exciting!

Thank you, those words do mean a lot to me!

What a beautiful setting. Wow! You'll have to add Winter and share all four seasons!!

It turns out I do have a winter shot! I added it to the post! Thanks!

Beautiful photos.

What sort of trees border your garden?

Thank you! The trees on the right are a mixture of black locust and mulberry. They are along the fence with our neighbor and we manage them minimally, mainly keeping them from getting too tall. Along that fence is also our future orchard, which will benefit directly from the black locust and the pruning / coppicing, as the locust is a nitrogen fixer.

The trees in the bottom of the plot are a microforest, about 15-20 meters deep. It has formed naturally along a slight depression in the terrain that turns into a seasonal creek in wet springs. The species are mainly elm, black locust, wild plums, and some elderberry, hawthorn and wayfaring tree bushes. It's main function is a bad weather buffer, like a shelter belt, as bad weather usually comes from that direction. Last autumn we've cleared the edge enough to plant a dozen hazels, a walnut or two and some other fruit bushes, like honeyberry, the currants I propagated and posted about, raspberries, etc. We've also started working on the ground cover layer with some wild strawberries, lily of the valley, wild violets and lungwort.

Ooops, that came out a bit long - sorry, I get over excited when talking about our garden! Maybe I should just make a whole post out of it?

Definitely worth making a post of this.

We don't black locust in the UK. But we do have most of the others, including mulberry. I have been trying, with little success, to grow mulberries for several years now.

Good show! Those purple hills and that bright orange sun are wonderful. It must be a great place to wake up everyday!

Good luck in the contest!

Thank you for your support!

What a spot, I look forward to watching your farm evolve!

Don't worry you won't be disqualified. I really liked the back drop on the first picture and how you showed a progression. I am guessing you used a drone to take the pictures? I was asking because I have been thinking about getting one to use around our homestead. Overall, Great Job!

The photos were taken from the building scaffolding of our house in the making, second story, where our bedroom window will be. That said,we have a drone as a part of our aerial photography business! It's weird we haven't taken almost no photos of this property from above! Gotta work on that in the coming summer!

Beautiful !!!

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