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RE: Why Fungi are a Great Addition to Your Homestead

in #homesteading5 years ago

Your post made me chuckle, here in monsoonal Thailand with a humidity of 97% and temps in the 90s - you only have to stand in the kitchen for 5 mins and some kind of mushroom or mold grows on your feet. LOL. What are we having for dinner? sauteed mushrooms and garlic with black rice, dahl and fresh raw vegetables. NICE post. Let me assure you the world is unlikely to ever run our of mold or fungi spores, not from the way I see it today anyway. LOL

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Lol, yeah your climate is very different then the temperate one here. But often I see people here trying to kill fungi in the garden with chemicals or using methods that negatively impact fungi. The destruction of fungi in the soil is a fairly big problem in this area. I have had people ask me if mushrooms were okay to have in their gardens. I want to help those people understand the benefits that fungi bring so they won't just kill them and perhaps they will even do things to promote the beneficial ones.

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It's hard for me to imagine people trying to kill fungi... they are amazing beings. But yes, we have them to over-abundance-saturation point right now. It was a GOOD post and an important one for people in drier, cooler climates. And yes, fungi are a big part of the magic that makes soil thrive!

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