A Mouse Tale (Tail?) Part 5

in #homestead7 years ago

The saga continues...

mouse eating 2.jpg

It took almost four hours in heavy traffic, on two lane roads, following heavy trucks and buses through mountains to reach the resort. Mama and Papa Bird were exhausted by now. They had been up since 3 am and it was now nearing 8 pm. Papa Bird was used to resting in the afternoon while he was recuperating. Some how traveling is not very restful…

They headed to their room which was very nice and cool. The air conditioner was running and the sheets had been turned back on the bed. Papa Bird headed for the shower. All Mama heard was “What the heck...”

Mama went to discover what was the problem. Papa pointed to the shower. Mama couldn’t believe her eyes. The shower head was a mere four feet up the wall! This shower was made for very short people or for fledglings. They pondered on the situation for a while and came to the conclusion that the person who installed the shower had to be short. Come to think of it, most of the Ticos they had met thus far were short! Well, we would manage.

Mama and Papa managed to sleep in the next morning. 7 am, that quit a feat for folks that are usually up before 5 am. They had another laugh at the shower, got dressed and went for breakfast. Wow. Breakfast was an all you can eat buffet with rows of tables heavily laden with every food imaginable.
Fresh fruits and smoothies made to order. What do you care to eat? French, Italian, Spanish, American or typical Tico? Care for seafood? Lets just say Mama and Papa left sated.

Then it was time to explore. Remember Papa Bird doesn’t like to sit still. Since we are very fair skinned and tend to burn, so the beach at high noon is not an option. Perhaps later in the day? Head into town with a taxi and first stop is a little book shop to buy a English/Spanish Dictionary. Papa and Mama had learned some Spanish phrases before the trip, but obviously more would be needed to enjoy the whole experience.

As Mama and Papa were walking down the street perusing the dictionary, they ran into some children eating what looked like some sort of snow cone. Their chance to ask questions in Spanish! The kids were more than happy to tell Mama and Papa that it was their version of ice cream, shaved ice topped with a sweet fruit syrup and powdered milk. They showed them where they could buy some. It really was tasty and refreshing.

They headed back to the hotel for a late lunch. As they were passing the lobby on the way to the open air dining area, something caught Papa’s eye, a booth for signing up for various trips. One looked particularly interesting- volcanic hot springs. Papa quickly signed up. They were ready for another vast buffet.

After an afternoon siesta, was time for a leisurely dip in a “relax” pool, a shallow pool under the shade of palm trees. Refreshments were served poolside. Papa and Mama Bird quickly made friends with a couple from Costa Rica. They were invited to go with their friends to an out of the way seafood restaurant.

The sun was dipping below the horizon and Papa wanted to check out the beach. The beach was consisted of black volcanic sand, not comfortable to walk on. At least not for Mama’s tender tootsies!
Perfect time for photos. Balmy breeze, small waves lapping at the shore and what promised to be a gorgeous sunset. Papa noticed a commotion down the beach a ways and decided they should investigate.

A bunch of people were standing in a circle talking loudly and taking photos. A Leather Back turtle had come ashore and was lying her eggs! It was an amazing sight to behold. She did her duty, slowly covered the nest and made her laborious way back to the sea. Then it was time to meet up with the new friends.

To be continued...


Hey ceci, that's amazing and what an experience to see a leather back laying it eggs. Truly spoilt !

This trip was so special in so many ways. Yes, I am truly blessed.

Wow, another amazing spectacle to witness: a leather back turtle laying eggs! I felt a bit sorry for her, having such a large human audience, taking pictures and talking loudly... after all, I would assume laying eggs is rather an intimate activity. Though she must have felt safe enough to go through with it, so I guess things were fine. So good that you got to see it! :-)

It was an unexpected part to our trip and an amazing experience.

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