The Rat Race and How to Overcome (Changing Mindsets to Financial Freedom)

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago (edited)

In the book tittle “Rich Dad Poor Dad” written by Robert Kiyosaki explained the need to change people's mindsets to get to financial freedom.

Robert Kiyosaki, explained that people try as much as possible to grow financial-wise. The reason for this is because throughout our learning process in schools, people wasted a lot of time and energy learning how to work for money instead for money working for us. To him, financial freedom is not taught in schools but rather he sees school as a place where we are trained to become dependent citizens.

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He exemplified a situation of two dads, one who is educated but poor and the other dad who is not educated but rich. To him, the educated dad focused his energy on teaching the children on going to school, having a job to earn income. The educated dad do not know that building a house for himself does not mean it is an asset but rather a liability.

While, the rich dad teaches his children on how to use time and mind to create riches. The rich dad explained that this could be done through investments. According to him, we are living in what he referred to as "the rat race" where everyone is struggling to survive.

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The only way to free yourself from the "rat race", is that we need to start thinking of investments. Steemit is a great platform to enable us free from the rat race. Steemit has come as a solution to our financial freedom. You don’t need to work under someone to make it on steemit. All you need is invest time and resources wisely, and allow money work for us instead of us working for money.


According to Kiyosaki, financial knowledge is not taught in schools. He thinks that the primary objective of educational systems is to teach one on how to enter the work space that already existed, and less or no attention is given on how to managed personal finances.

In order to get out of the rat race, the following should be considered:

  • One should focused on purchasing assets that will generate more profits and you can spend from the surpluses from the assets.
  • Be able to identify and differentiate your assets from liabilities.
  • Spend wisely and keep your debts at a minimum. Never borrow to repay from savings.

Lesson Learned

  • Our thoughts reflect our lifestyle.
  • Learned to be an employer rather than an employee because as an employer, you bring long term solutions to long term uncertainties.
  • No matter the amount of wages earned as an employee, you remained a slave to the employer.
  • To Build a house for yourself is not an added asset but rather an added liability because those who actually owned the house is the bank.

In sum, Rich Dad Poor Dad is rich indeed with knowledge that helps transform our mindsets to gain financial freedom.

Steemit is a good place to invest as you don’t have any competitor. You work at your pace. In Cameroon, as an investor, in order to succeed, one need to join the ruling party. If not your business will be crushed by your competitors (the big wings in the ruling party). But on steemit, there is equal power relation and everyone has full control of their assets.

 3 years ago 

Steemit offers a unique investment opportunity for us to create a better future for ourselves, our families and communities. Thanks for making a clear summary of what it takes to be rich. We live in an unfortunate country where our educational system does not even teach young people how to become productive. I hope more Cameroonians can grab a copy of the book and read in order to get into the raise to financial freedom.
You can always visit Pexels or Pixabay for free and high quality images as opposed to the Istock images you used.

 3 years ago 

Thanks for the feedback. I checked images on pixabay, and pexels but did not actually get what matches to the write up.

 3 years ago 

Sometimes play with the search words. @fombae can guide you more on this meanwhile i will also compile a list of free to use image websites and share in the days ahead.

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