THE DIARY GAME : 21/09/2020 - Monday Holiday, Having Much Rest Than Usual Busy Days

in Steem Africa4 years ago

Hello Diarists, today is Monday 21th September 2020. It's Holiday, marking the birth day of our past Legendary President, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah who led us into Independent we are now enjoying. Because it was Holiday, I did less work. If not that, I planned submitting my sch selection documents to Our District Education Office.

So, in the morning I did my usual routine work in the house, pasting, eating with my kids, feeding my puppy as I do everyday. My wife was going for part time studies at Anansu, meeting one of the brilliant Mathematics teacher who reside around our basic sch. So it was left with me and my children, I needed to bath the my young boy since he is now age 4 and he can't bath properly. After making sure that they have bathed and dressed, it was now playing time, as you know most often when we were very young we used to play; picking teddy🧸 and clothes, doing what Mom & Dad happened to do. This was best accompanied by cooking with empty cans, getting the waste of fishes🐟, especially the head and scales that had been discarded. That was exactly what my children were doing. I wonder why the boy is always interested and keen engaging himself with that play, I know it's normally girls who like that kind of play. Well, I thought maybe is because they are only a boy and a girl.

Shortly their sister, Eagerheart came to pick them to their hometown, Kwagyei. She is the last born of my wife's Sister who died during lockdown and now her funeral rites has been performed on 12th September 2020. My wife was just close to her town so after the studies she will pick them. I even called for her to do that on her returns.

After they have gone, I now had a chance to complete the work on the candidate school selection, though the candidates have exited from school, yet the administration must operate. That's why the Headteachers receive allowances for office duties. I quickly scooped the documents from my school bag and began to double check if that the candidates have endorsed were right. After checking all these documents one after the order, I then signed and stamped them for authenticity. The candidates number are #25 so I didn't suffer signing and stamping volumes of documents. Withing 45mins, I had finished working on the documents. I can now take them to GES in our District office of Sekyere Central, but this might be tomorrow since today is Holiday.



signing & stamping candidates documents at home

I was alone in the house, lately I planned going for my TV at Mampong if the repairer has finish working on it. I called he said he couldn't get one to send him the engine he promised to fix in. I had to wait for tomorrow. I then slept, when I woke up it was late hour around 5:12 pm. Luckily we have food stored in our fridge, banku and groundnut soup so we don't bother of what to eat as super today. Shortly my wife and kids arrived. I was about to leave for town when they came. My kids couldn't rest for me to go, they whispered into my ears to go with me. I couldn't deny them if they weren't tired. I had 2 things in mind doing in town; buying pomade and giving money to Asare in his house. I then footed with my kids, we then reached the Church of Pentecost Central. I took 1 picture here. I guessed it would be nice for my funs to love it.


On the way going to town with my kids

We got to the town self, we were in front of the market stores built horizontally. There is one woman I always purchase pomade from. I haven't even asked her name, but I know her daughter who is a nurse at the polyclinic here in Nsuata, her name is Sister Mavis. She was there I guessed she was off duty today. She has come to support her mother sell these bulk of pomade and other cosmetics like perfumes and sure. We bought "cocoa butter ever sheen and that blue head food called precious." They only cost Ghc 10.00, the cocoa butter ever sheen is Ghc 6.00 while the precious blue hair food cost Ghc 4.00. These two pomades have been our pomade we use. For my wife she prefer using different one.


Buying hair food from Sis. Mavis


I and the kids left there for Asare's house. When we came he was busily preparing his food with one of his son. I presented to money to him. He was happy to see me telling me story about his old plot he wants to build on. That's actually his priority before he goes on pension as a teacher. He wants some truck vehicle to bring chippings and sand tomorrow. I planned escorting him tomorrow if I'm less busy. Well, his last born is having a nice bicycle, very cute one, my children wanted to learn how to ride, the darkness was even approaching. What should I do then? I had to use few minutes to guide them for the first time so that later I buy one and train them on how to ride. The first to learn was my daughter, Adubea. The boy was also in hurry to ride. His legs are too short to get reach the paddle but I must try to help him. I spent about 15mins here, time was far spent, but my kids were curious to learn how to ride. It was even passed 6 o'clock. I couldn't get clear picture from the shot in their display of riding bike.



guiding my kids to ride bike at Asare's house

I thought we need to go home, it was closely to 6:30 pm, we needed to double our steps to take our supper. I was even thinking about my kids but not me. I'm grown up, they are very young to starve. We finally got to the house. Their mother had already started eating her part. My kids washed their hands and joined their mother in the kitchen. My table was then set with the food on it to also eat since it was late hour. After eating, the kids were then helped to bath, especially my young boy. They dressed up and were playing in the room. My young boy, Jude, love art work, so he is always fond of drawing in his sketchpad I last bought for him. In even evening you will see him doing that exercise while the girl would be doing other things. They interacted with their books for a while. It was Ok for them for the day work so I led them to sleep so that tomorrow they get energy to continue their usual work.

I also did many things on my mobile phone, moving from one blog to another on Steem, looking at the various contests to participate. The writing & reviews was one contest ahead of me to engage myself. I had already done with "what does steem mean to me?" by @beautychicks. From "writing and reviews" I think I will move to "my hobby or favorite sports" organising by @yohan2on. I did more of curation work and more of commenting on other Steemians post. I also checked out the updates from @steemitblog posts, and Wow! there are more stuff going to happen at the end of the "Diarygame Season 2." I also check out on my lately contest I want to giveaway #150 Steem cash to the best contents shared if there had been more posts link shared. It's wonderful and happy moments, #2 Authors have already booked their tickets to share with me. So what I you wanting for? You can be the luckiest Steemians to grasp the 1st prize of 70 Steem!

"For those who have missed out my amazing contest on Steemit platform do check the link below:"

Thanks to All!!!😀🙏


Hello buddy, you are such a caring dad. Guiding and teaching them how to ride bike is a great act from you! I could remember when i was still learning how pilot bike but then it was difficult because i didn't have any teacher then. Indeed you are a dad one must have, thanks forbsharing with us your day.

#onepercent #nigeria

One thing that sets your diary apart from the many i read is that you really do take time to scribble every single thing you did during the day and i must say it is commendable, it is always interesting to read you diary and thanks for sharing always. Have great day

Ever sheen and queen Elizabeth cocoa butter are my favorite pomades as well. They just produce a soothen natural skin colour no matter the weather condition.

It's been a while since you gave the repairer your television set. Hope he has fixed it this time.

#onepercent #ghana #affable

Thank you very much for share your post on Twitter and it is very good for our platform. Ride bike is very difficult for children and very risky.

#onepercent #bangladesh

You're such a good Dad. I remember when I was learning how to ride bike. It was really fun. Well done sir

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