#BURNSTEEM25 || Steem Venezuela Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W2 : My declaration of unconventional love - My glass || by @ripon0630

in Steem Venezuela2 years ago

I have a special affection for daily uses things.I use with great care. These essentials become my daily companion. But while these essentials kept me well, they were never treated with love and unconventional compassion.

Hello friends I hope everyone is well I am also very well. I really like the theme of today's contest. Here's an explanation on everyone's unconventional love. I have endless love for every necessary thing that I use daily. But the one thing that I have an unconventional love for that has never been revealed is my every day use glasses.

Thanks to Steem Venezuela for organizing such a nice contest.


Not that I can't see at all without glasses. I can see without glasses but after wearing glasses my eye problem is reduced a lot. Because I can't see distant things clearly. My glasses help me to see the world every day. So with today's contest I will express my unconventional love for glasses.

sunglass is a very popular name nowadays. There are very few people who are not familiar with glasses. Some wear glasses for eye problems, while others wear them for fashion. Glasses are basically two glasses made of glass, which are attached to a frame and used to connect the two ears.

After wearing glasses, my mood-sub-get-up is changed. When I put round glasses on my eyes, I look very wise and wise. More than that, a brilliant-brilliant expression appeared on my face. I am overjoyed at this extreme opportunity to be brilliant without doing well in exams.


I see the whole world clearly because of you

If you have glasses on your eyes, you get a little more appreciation in the society. Because everyone thinks people with glasses are very polite and educated. As many people evaluate the results of glasses, many others think that if he wears glasses, it means that he has a problem with his eyes. That means he can see less in his eyes, that is, many say blind. Moreover, wearing glasses is a nuisance. Only those who use it will understand this.

There is no shortage of people using glasses around us. Many people, young or old, use it. People who wear glasses have many incidents in their lives. Which is worth noting. My case is no exception.

The story of my glass:

I don't wear glasses for long. This is early 2019. I went to the eye doctor with my eye problem. After seeing my eyes, the doctor said, there is a little problem. So he prescribed some medicines, eye drops and glasses. Hearing that, I was a little shaken. Finally I have to use glasses! But there was nothing to do! I returned home with glasses as advised by the doctor.



I want to travel with you

When I went to the village and went out wearing glasses, I saw that everyone was looking at me differently. It seems, I am a new guest in my village! Or an alien creature! I can't guess that myself.

However, I continued to bear everyone's stares. But who stops friends this time? As soon as they saw me, they started laughing that I was blind. Who stops them? I am unable to explain to them that I have started wearing glasses for my eye problem. However, they had to endure the torture of words.

At that time, I just entered the university. I lived in college hostel. I was returning home on a holiday by bus. When I got off the bus, my friend and I saw how I felt. I'm leaning to the left! I do not understand why this is happening. It feels like someone is pushing me. There was a puddle of mud nearby, I went and fell in that mud. My shoes and pants are covered in mud. I put my hand in the glasses and saw that the glass on my left side disappeared.



Dear glasses you help me to be smart

This is the story then! I started looking around, but I can't find it. I ran and got on the bus. The bus was almost leaving, I reached with great difficulty. I got on the bus and saw that the glasses were lying on the seat where I was sitting. I took a glass and put it on my glasses and washed my muddy shoes and pants and returned home.

Also, those who use glasses, can tell - how many kinds of pressure go through the glasses. Now someone will come and say, let's see how I look in glasses. Someone will ask again, how much power? Some will hide the glasses and say, if you don't eat something, the glasses cannot be given. And there are cases of broken glasses.

When holding small children, the first thing they notice is our glasses. It is not enough to say how much insistence it takes to get the glasses. If you can handle it somehow! The stalks will pull together, causing the glasses to bend or break.


Always help me to see the world through your eyes.I Love You My Glass.

I sincerely thank my glasse for always being by my side to help me to see. Dear glass, I would not have seen any scene clearly without you. I hope you will help me to see clearly the whole world like this.

Thank You So Much For Reading My Blog

Thank (1).png

 2 years ago 

Hi @ripon0630 just like you I declare my love for my glasses, without them my life would be complicated.

Success in the contest.

Have a great day 😊

It is nice to see that there are many people who wear glasses like me.I can see everything clearly because I have glasses.

At once wearing glasses looked unsmart and now not wearing glasses looks unsmart.


Kids are very fond of glasses. Your unconventional love for your lenses is awesome, and the glasses make you look quite fashionable. It is safe to say your eyeglass is your hero.

Have a fulfilling day my friend

thanks brother .. It also protects my eyes from dust..

That's the main reason i wear mine, dust and too much light

 2 years ago 

Hola amigo los anteojos hacen ver a las personas un poco diferente no solo físicamente también se ve un cambio en ellos se nota un poco más de inteligencia eso sín saber si lo son o no.

Muchos usamos anteojos pero cuando ya es el especialista que los recomienda por algún motivo se convierten en una parte importante de nuestro día a dios y de nuestra vida claro.

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

Yes, it's true that wearing glass makes people look smarter.

But even if people wear glasses due to eye problems, many people think that glasses are wear only to look smart. So our perspective also needs to change.


 2 years ago 

Hi @ripon0630

Certainly glasses make a person look more interesting, or smarter, and sometimes we wear glasses just to improve vision.
You made a good declaration of love to these companions who help you to see much better on a daily basis.

Thank you for participating in Steemit Engagement Challenge Season3 Week2.

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Thanks for the review . Nowadays, most of the people have to use glasses due to their vision problems. Constantly using technology and working in front of the screen for a long time causes a lot of damage to our eyes. In that case, there is no other way than using glass.

 2 years ago 

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