Steem Women Club Community Contest #9 | 💕''DECLARE YOUR LOVE''💕 || Love Multiplies As It Is Shared / Concurso de la Comunidad del Club de Mujeres Steem # 9 | '' DECLARA TU AMOR '' || El amor se multiplica cuando se comparte por @daytona475

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago (edited)


Greetings to all the beautiful women who are part of this community.

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When I read what this contest was about, I was very happy because I have the opportunity to declare my love for a beautiful doll and it is about my beloved daughter Dhaylismar Daniela.💕

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From the moment I knew that I was going to be a mother, a deep feeling was harbored in me, having the happiness of being a mother made me responsible for taking care of myself as best as possible in my pregnancy, since a beautiful baby was growing inside me which I had that taking care and protecting, when my daughter was born and seeing her in my arms was like obtaining the best prize from God, there I really understood what it is to be a mother and I valued my mother much more, and from there I decided that I had to fight with all my strength, since that little person now depended on me.

Since she was born, Dhaylismar faced a difficult test and it was to survive, since I had her at 8 months because the pregnancy was complicated, thank God that allowed her to get out of the difficult situation she went through and left her to my side.

Personality 💕

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The personality of this princess is strong, she has her character and knows how to set limits, she makes herself respected as a person and fights for what she wants, persevering until she reaches her goal, she is spontaneous, sentimental, loves and protects animals to the point that she argues with people she has seen mistreating an animal, another quality of my daughter is that she takes care of herself, she likes to be good with herself, no one has to remind her that she should exercise or make masks to nourish her skin, she works hard at it and he even explains to me. Despite her young age of 13, she helps me and sometimes advises me by showing maturity in her words.

Characteristics 💕

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The most outstanding characteristics in her is her motivation to achieve, she strives to achieve things and does not remain calm until she obtains them, in that process I guide her so that this characteristic is not a defect, but so far I have seen the effort, the constancy and the love that he puts into things. Of course, if you promise something you have to keep it because she uses her perseverance, reminding you of the promise you made and persists until you keep her.

Sacrifices 💓

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Dhaylis is a girl who is a great help to me, she is my team and together we have grown and fought, she understands me at all times, especially when I am working and I cannot be with her for long, she is my support, always giving me encouragement when I see me cry sometimes, filling me with strength to continue.

Love declaration 💓

My little one you are the most beautiful thing I have in my life, my reason for being, you are my motivation, my joy and although we are not perfect together with God we will achieve our dreams, I love you, thank you for existing, for you I have the greatest profession and it is to be a mother, I ask God to allow us to continue together, see you grow and become a great woman. I love you to infinity and beyond my daughter, my treasure !!

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Saludos a todas las mujeres hermosas que hacen parte de esta comunidad.

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Cuando leí de que se trataba este concurso me dio mucha alegría porque tengo la oportunidad de declararle mi amor a una muñeca preciosa y se trata de mi amada hija Dhaylismar Daniela.

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Desde el momento que supe que iba a ser mamá un sentimiento profundo se albergó en mí, tener la dicha de ser mamá me hizo ser responsable de cuidarme lo mejor posible en mi embarazo, ya que dentro de mí estaba creciendo una preciosa nena la cual tenía que cuidar y proteger, al nacer mi hija y verla en mis brazos fue como obtener el mejor premio de parte de Dios, allí comprendí realmente lo que es ser mamá y valoré mucho más a mi mamá, y a partir de allí decidí que tenía que luchar con todas mis fuerzas, ya que esa personita dependía ahora de mí.

Dhaylismar desde que nació se enfrentó a una prueba difícil y era sobrevivir, ya que la tuve a los 8 meses porque se complicó el embarazo, gracias a Dios que permitió que ella saliera airosa de esa situación tan difícil por la que atravesó y la dejó a mi lado.

Personalidad 💕

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La personalidad de esta princesa es fuerte, ella tiene su carácter y sabe poner límites, se hace respetar como persona y lucha por lo que quiere, perseverando hasta alcanzar su meta, ella es espontánea, sentimental, ama y protege a los animales al punto que discute con las personas que ha visto maltratando a un animal, otra cualidad de mi hija es que se cuida, le gusta estar bien consigo misma, nadie le tiene que recordar que debe realizar ejercicio o hacer mascarillas para nutrir su piel, se esmera en ello y hasta me explica. A pesar de su corta edad 13 años, ella me ayuda y a veces me aconseja mostrando madurez en sus palabras.

Características 💕

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Las características más resaltantes en ella es su motivación al logro, se esmera por conseguir las cosas y no se queda tranquila hasta que las obtiene, en ese proceso yo la guío para que esa característica no sea un defecto, pero hasta ahora he visto el empeño, la constancia y el amor que le pone a las cosas. Eso sí, si le prometes algo tienes que cumplirlo porque ella usa su perseverancia, recordándote la promesa que le hiciste y persiste hasta que le cumplas.

Sacrificios 💓

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Dhaylis es una niña que es de gran ayuda para mí, es mi equipo y juntas hemos crecido y luchado, me entiende en todo momento sobretodo cuando estoy trabajando y no puedo estar con ella mucho tiempo, ella es mi apoyo, siempre dándome ánimos cuando me ve llorar a veces, llenándome de fuerzas para seguir.

Declaración de amor 💓

Mi pequeña tú eres lo más hermoso que tengo en mi vida, mi razón de ser, eres mi motivación, mi alegría y aunque no somos perfectas junto a Dios lograremos nuestros sueños, Te Amo, gracias por existir, por ti tengo la más grandiosa profesión y es la de ser mamá, le pido a Dios que nos permita seguir juntas, verte crecer y convertirte en una gran mujer. Te Amo hasta el infinito y más allá hija mía, mi tesoro!!

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Thank you very much to everyone and to @svm038 for creating such a fabulous contest also to @steemcurator01 @steemcurator02 for the support you provide to the publications👍

Muchas gracias a todos y a @svm038 por crear tan fabuloso concurso también a @steemcurator01 @steemcurator02 por el apoyo que brindan a las publicaciones👍

I invite @mariarodriguez @majo12 @cami.rojas to this wonderful contest

Invito a este maravilloso concurso a @mariarodriguez @majo12 @cami.rojas

My presentation on Steemit / Mi presentación en Steemit

I am @daytona475

All photographs are my own, taken with my personal phone / Todas las fotografías son de mi autoría tomada con mi teléfono personal

The gifs are made by @ daytona475 in [] (

Los gifs son realizados por @daytona475 en


Banner made by @ daytona475 in Zulia state, Venezuela / Banner realizado por @daytona475 en el estado Zulia, Venezuela


hi @daytona475 I have confirmed your contest entry. Having a nice family is the best chance. It always makes you happy in life. Being a mother is a very special feeling. I congratulate you on your good words.
Thank you very much for participating in the contest. Our slogan in this community; together we are strong. We will support each other. I will strive for women to win. Keep making quality posts in the community.
If there is any problem, you can access it from the discord channel. Good luck :)

Thank you very much it is! Without a doubt, the love for a child is unmatched!!

Greetings :)

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