in Steem Ghana3 years ago

I can enjoy everything that comes my way in life through Christ. Meaning there is something in Christ is able to work all things out for good but you must first entrust everything to Him through faith for him to be able to hear the cry of your heart and position you to the very place of your destiny location ( environment), **because your faith is your life.


The fall of Adam( man) was a disconnection of him from the provisions and access to God and all he has planned and positioned for all men. That is why life has become filled with a lot of confusion, pain, unfairness, lack, wickedness and all the sufferings. But God in his wisdom has created a way for us to reconnect with him to gain all that he has made and are in stall for us through His son Jesus Christ.

On your own means to have life been enjoyed, you may have twisted and wrong moves because all the bad things that are not meant for you have become good to you due to the disconnection that took place in the beginning by Adam through the workings of the devil so far as Eve is concern.
Everything that you address or work on you become better at but anything you don't work on or avoidbecomes the reason for your failure.

       **HOW TO ENJOY LIFE**
  1. Ask : through prayer request his belp and his presence then work everything as the bible said , all things work together for good for them that love God, anyone who loves his father goto the father with boldness and gentleness ro ask of him anything to enjoy it all. You never stop asking till your joy becomes full.


  1. Accept : Admit every, whether fair or unfair, good or bad, but that should be after you have spoken to God through consistent praying about it. Don't keep brooding but rather thank God for what tou haveand enjoy it in God.

Never give sadness or sorrow a chance and time to operate in your life. You will never enjoy the life you despise looking for the neat thing coming.

Don't act like he didn't know but will work things out later but rather believe and enjoy that he is still in the unfair moment and that how the unfair is going to be turned for fair because Hw is the beginning and the ending ( He is the letter A and Z but even in the middle of it He is available) Jesus on the sea with the disciples, the storm was taking them but because He started with them , he was in the middle with themand ended it with them. Your heart leans in to what your mind keeps talking or thinking about that changes your life through your thoughts ( decision).


  1. Acknowledge : God is always present in you and your life but what you do not do is acknowledge , he is with you that is why you feel him less in you, less acknowledgements leads to less experiencing of him. Fix your thoughts on his ability and presence in your life not your focus on you. God knows his sheep and his sheep knows him, he hears their voice and they also hear bis voice.
 3 years ago 

accepting is so difficult for people but the best.

Exactly acceptance brings change and change results to best ..thank you sir

 3 years ago 

Very nice post bro.

It my pleasure

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