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RE: Guilt free pistachio cake

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year (edited)

Lol if it wasn’t about money they why do a group do people stop people from earning or police the amount they earn. Of course it’s about money if you want to create great content let’s say on travel you think you can do that whilst earning £20? Lol get a grip. The reason YouTube is the premium os because creators can grow and as they build and audience and income can spend it on improving their craft hiring people to assist, going to great locations. You think someone can do that on even £50 for. Video ? Even worse it becomes like a job so you assume you can spend x y z on a video of your standard monthly income from your videos is a certain amount of ther suddenly crashes to £0 because of literally 2 ppl you would be in debt and homeless lol. It’s completely unreliable and not practical. I regret so hard not building YouTube from day one and giving these sites so much of my energy/ what a waste. If these sites continue to force exclusivity, censor or take away rewards from anyone they think is getting too much in their eyes the content will alwyas just be mediocre sideline things of ppls back-gardens and local areas edited in 10 mins. That’s fine but not for me I might not be great yet but I want to grow not be beholdent to 5 bullies how much I am able to grow my channel / content imo whilst it behaves like that it’ll never get any kind of mass following or big ppl interested in blogging there. Ppl who are doing ok elsewhere are not going to want to be bullied like that. Taking money away from cryptopie and a couple of Rich ppl swiping all his earnings from his big following he got from putting a lot of effort into daily
Blogging is never going to be a system that takes off. It’s honestly just gross and the fact you support these ppl and don’t stand up to them honestly suprises and saddens me but hey thsrs life . I think deep down you know it’s wrong but you’re all in too much fear of speaking out about it.

If you can hand on your heart say your ok with a guy who spent years building an audience and funds his dialysis getting taken to £0 continually by a couple of ppl is ok your not who I thought you were.

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