📷Travel Photography

in WORLD OF XPILAR14 days ago

The World of XPILAR - Daily Photo

Travel Photography


I follow you, and you flee. This is my fate:
To drink the bitter gall from a shining cup,
To bitterly mourn a kiss of yours, divine,
And laugh while gazing at the proud shadow of despair!
You flee from me, and I follow your blessed gaze;
No matter how far you run, a dream will reach you,
If a dream can wander throughout the infinite,
What good is fleeing if a dream is bound to find you?!
And perhaps, I don't even know if love
Is this pursuit of rage and fury
With which I follow you, like loyal stray dogs.
Or if it is instead the eternal, mysterious flight,
With which you always flee from me, O dark night!
For fleeing from me, yes, perhaps you love me more!

"Florbela Espanca"



I am sharing photos of landscapes, moments and experiences. Nature and sea are the most visited themes in my photo collection, but any attention-grabbing aspect can be photographed. Hope you enjoy it...

LocationBratislava - Slovakia



 14 days ago 

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Hi, @marcoteixeira,

Your post has been manually curated!

Thanks for stopping by :) I really appreciate the manually support :) Cheers :)

Thanks for stopping by :) I really appreciate the support :) Cheers :)

 14 days ago 

I would love to encounter such a funny and bright, light, sunny-fuelled street art. A great find!

I found it quite colorful and captivating... it brought some color to that grey day. Cheers :)

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