Equality Denied - Human Rights DeniedsteemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago

A few days ago, our parliament members excluded a group of citizens from the very society they represent - Citizens who vote and also pay the administration's salaries. What did they vote on? The prohibition of so-called "propaganda of non-traditional sexual orientation," something that has never even existed! The proposal came from a pro-Kremlin party! By doing this, they not only violated people's rights but literally excluded them from society. Why is it taboo in schools to discuss having control over one's body and not feeling like a blemish in a healthy social body just because one doesn't fit the "norm"? We send our children to school to learn how to live with others, no matter who they are. A classroom is a mini-model of the society we live in. It includes people of different sizes, skin colors, physical abilities, mental conditions, healthy and sick people. In our society, these people are citizens because they live together according to established rules that don't affect their differences and don't harm anyone's freedom.


The big "argument" - our children will change their orientation... just because they will know that different orientations exist... Imagine being advertised broccoli (not just being told it exists, but it's shoved in your face as if it's a superfood you must eat!). But you simply don't like broccoli, no matter how it's prepared! How then do you imagine that a child, from seeing two same-sex people kissing or knowing that men can have a family and raise a child, will change their sexual orientation?! The simple truth is - they won't! They will just live peacefully, knowing that it's a personal matter and they should respect such a state - because it's not a choice. When this is understood, no one will have a problem with anyone's orientation - we'll just stop talking about it and move on to much more meaningful things like global warming, food shortages, pollution, wars, hunger, violence. Now, again, something that is a human condition will become a taboo topic in schools.


This is a step that easily leads to more bans and a strong reduction in democracy. Sooner or later, one of those bans will affect us - whether it's about abortion, free speech, travel, thoughts, or ideas... Citizens of a country come in all varieties. The key to living together should be avoiding crime - taking lives, violence, theft, insult, lying. And this should be taught in schools - the rights and responsibilities of citizens and the corresponding penalties if they are not followed. How someone identifies, how they see themselves, who they want to share their life and bed with, is their personal right! All these people exist, and whether they like it or not, children see them - whether in school, in the park, or at the beach... Our European country has taken a sharp turn back to a disgusting communist mindset. It's a real shame!



My condolences. It is difficult to live in a country whose government has started a movement from democracy to a totalitarian system... However, I think your compatriots, who have already tasted the sweet taste of freedom of free choice, will not succumb to manipulative attempts to manage the population as a herd.

The problem is that there are many people who have been brainwashed by Russian propaganda, and these same people brought such pathetic excuses for humans into our parliament. It’s sad that instead of moving forward, we’re going back to that time when Russia dictated the rules and people lived in fear, hunger, and misery, afraid to express their opinions freely. These days, there are protests because our president (who is a Russian puppet) still hasn’t approved the vote. I really hope he doesn’t approve it, but that’s almost in the realm of fantasy.

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