Digital image for the day is made according to my own imagination and thoughts. (Competition 104).-For saving our lives.//Por salvar nuestras vidas.-(Eng-Esp)

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

Thanks to @xpilar for the invitation to the contest. Where imagination plays an important role, starting from a digital image.

I leave the link in case you want to participate:

(Image created by @xpilar.//Imagen creada por @xpilar.)

For saving our lives

Our lives were threatened by an unknown virus, which in record time had caused many deaths in the town regardless of age, even dogs and cats were also affected.

The desperation of the villagers to save themselves had reached the extreme, regardless of the material, they packed their suitcases with what they needed, leaving the town became a priority.

The survivors, without much thought, with suitcases in hand, walked three days to the north, overcoming the obstacles that arose on the journey, such as hunger, cold and the sun that beat down on them during the day.

Exhausted by the long journey, seeing the solution of their lives close to them produced mixed emotions, some cried, others felt joy, more than one felt that their heart was going to come out, it was an experience they had never lived before.

Between heaven and earth, a mountain with strange structures, they looked like houses with pointed roofs, some had white glass, there were also several blue panels that regulated the sun's rays. Another of the characteristics was the lack of vegetation, what most attracted their attention were the roads that communicated them with other villages.

They were organized in such a way that each family nucleus inhabited a house. When they left the village because of the arrival of the unknown virus, they knew they had to start from scratch. At night, the heads of the family met, the priority was to keep the place clean and tidy as they had managed to do.

The beginning was hard, but little by little they got used to the environment. Now, they are part of a community with its own identity, receiving visits from tourists.

Por salvar nuestras vidas

Nuestras vidas estaban amenazadas por un virus desconocido, que en tiempo récord había ocasionado muchas muertes en el pueblo sin importar edad, incluso perros y gatos también estaban afectados.

El desespero de los habitantes del pueblo por salvarse había llegado al extremo, sin importar lo material, éstos hicieron maleta con lo necesario, dejar el pueblo se convirtió en prioridad.

Los sobrevivientes sin pensarlo mucho con maletas en mano, caminaron tres días hacía el norte, venciendo los obstáculos que se presentaron en el viaje, como: hambre, frío y el sol que los azotaba de día.

Agotados por el largo trayecto, ver cerca la solución de sus vidas les producía emociones encontradas, unos lloraban, otros sentía alegría, más de uno sintió que el corazón se les iba a salir, era una experiencia que nunca antes la habían vivido.

Entre cielo y tierra, una montaña con estructuras raras, parecían unas casas con techo puntiagudo, algunas tenían cristal blanco, también habían varios paneles azules que regulaban los rayos del sol. Otra de las características era, la poca existencia de vegetación, lo que más les llamaba la atención eran los caminos que los comunicaban con otros pueblos.

Se organizaron de tal manera que cada núcleo familiar habitó una vivienda. Cuando salieron del pueblo por la llegada del virus desconocido sabían que tenían que empezar desde cero. En la noche, se reunieron los cabeza de familia, la prioridad era mantener el lugar limpio y ordenado como lo habían conseguido.

El principio fue duro, poco a poco se fueron acostumbrando al ambiente. Ahora, forman parte de una comunidad con identidad propia, que reciben visitas de turistas.

 3 years ago 

Excellent story, thank you @blanca56

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