GOW 5 || New leaks || Tron Fan Club

in Tron Fan Club2 years ago (edited)
Greetings everyone. How are you all doing? Lets hope everyone is doing alright by the grace of almighty ALLAH. I am also well in health and mind alhamdulillah.



Have you guys heard of the game series called God of War? I think some of you might heard about it. It's a series of a total of 12 games. Although most of these are side quest type of games. There are 4 major games of this series and the 5th one is on it's way.

I haven't seen the gaming community this much hyped for a game in a long time. It almost feels like a movie rather than a game to be honest. And just like any other hyped movies, leakers are already doing their handy work and leaked so much plot and action moments of the 5th game way before than it's release. We have already been spoiled of some awesome boss fights and some major plot such as who will be the main antagonist of the game.

Some may believe these are leaked accidentally but I think otherwise. Right now in this time dropping some leaks of any movie does its job and make the fans more and more hyped for the movie and because of such hype train, more and more people get to know about the movie and the promotion gets a major boost. I think Sony or Santa Monica Studio, the devs of this game is following this trend and they've had leaked the gameplay by themselves. I might be wrong but this is what I think. There is a possibility that the devs of the game took a gamble which could have gone either ways. Because first of all, this is a game and not a movie. So, some people could have taken the leaks and spoilers negatively and they could have stepped away from buying this game because of the spoiler. But it seams the leaks are working in a good way. Now after seeing the major battles and gameplay, players are even more hyped and can't wait to experience the moments themselves. So the leaks have given the game a major push just a few days before the release and it worked perfectly. I know some guys who didn't care about the game are now talking about the game because they have seen the action beforehand. Just like this, so many more players are now interested in to playing or buying this game.



For those who don't know the plot of the game, here is the basic story of the game:-
The main protagonist of the series is known as Kratos. He was a mortal in the Greek mythology before his godhood. In a battle he got cornered and sold his soul to the og God of war Aries. Aries then make him his personal pawn and made him destroy multiple cities killing his own wife and child along the way. After knowing this Kratos break his blood oath and went on to destroy aries the God of war. The gods of olympus helped him kill aries and gave him the God of war throne as gift. Later Kratos found out that he is the ilegitimate son of Zeus who is the king of the gods and how zeus tortured his mother and his younger brother. Because there was a prophecy about a marked warrior who will bring the destruction of olympus. Kratos's brother was gifted with red marks in his body from birth. So the gods thought it was him that will kill the gods. So they took him in his childhood and tortured him endlessly. Upon the loss of his brother, Kratos made the same marks as tattoos in his body which ultimately made him the marked warrior who would kill the gods later on. He learned about all this and then went on a mission to take revenge against Zeus, his father. He killed every other god in his way in to reaching zeus and ultimately killed him and the entire Greek pantheon. In this journey Kratos died a couple of times and made his way out of the underworld to kill the gods. He was basically too angry to die and even death could not hold him back.

The first three games are in the greek mythology. After killing Zeus and ending the Greek pantheon, Kratos somehow moved to the Norse mythology to live peacefully as a man. The 4th and 5th are in the norse region with the norse gods. The main antagonists of these mythology are thor and odin. Both of them haven't made and entrance on the 4th installment but they will both make an entry on the upcoming one called God Of War Ragnarok. The game is scheduled to be realesed on 9th Nomever, 2022. Only a few days to go from now. It will be released exclusively for playstation 4 and 5 but will soon come to PC because of the success the 4th one had when it came to PC. I think the 5th one will also be a major success on both platforms.

Both of these games are very high config games which will give my Pc a hard time running them. I will wait it out and once I add a Graphics card with my setup, I will try out both of these games and will try to share the experience with you all. Till then I have a plan to review and share the gameplay of GOW 3 by playing it on pc via an emulator software. Stay tuned till then.

God Of War - Ragnarok Trailer.

That's all for today. Hopefully we shall meet again soon in another post. Till then take care and stay safe and secure.


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With regards

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