Life's NO Secret #20 | My first online purchase in Vietnam | A Hoodie Top
Online purchase is common for everyone nowadays even before the medical pandemic occurred. Actual retail stores are just a place for people to go and chill out but not really to make their purchase. Maybe some will check out the real goods but then end up making their purchase online. I know I do that especially if the goods is above a certain price.
A few days back, I was talking to my colleague about purchasing a hoodie; something I could use whenever I sit on the Grab Bike. Right now, I have a facial mask cum cap which is kind off bulky and heavy. I've seen this design at Uniqlo and had wanted to drop by to get one for myself but it cost approximately VND 490,000 = USD 21.07 = MYR 91.68. Yeah... it's a bit pricy of you ask me. Then, my colleague told me that I could get it online at a much lower price but sure it's not Uniqlo.
Only cost me VND 280,000 = USD 12.01 = MYR 52.25; almost half the price for a similar product. I immediately said YES since the design is the same. Chose a light blue color for easy identification on the streets. Took only 2 days for the delivery and when it came, I was surprisingly impressed.
It came in a red fabric packaging and in it was my hoodie along with 2 cloth face mask. You might wonder why is it inclusive of 2 face mask ... let's just say that because everyone is on a bike, wearing a face mask is important to keep the dust out. A great value add-on 😉
I can't wait to use my new hoodie!

Life's NO Secret is all about sharing; and it can be anything at all. Be it related to health, wealth, lifestyle or education. Sometimes, secrets are not really secrets. It's just that people don't talk about it or it's just been put aside until it becomes a topic to B****** about it. It could be anything under the sun; good, silly, fun, stupid or bad to some extend.
Life's NO Secret is an inspiration of my own in which I hope to share with all of you. NO Secrets means NO Lies. Just plain simple facts.