Good Tips For New Users On Steemit And Bloggers

in Project HOPE4 years ago


Hey everyone,

If you are new to steemit or blogging in general you might have questions about what you should post and how you can make your blog better. You might also wonder what is okay and what is not okay when it comes to what to post and photos to upload. No worries, hopefully this post will help you find your groove and help you to improve your work.

300 Words Minimum

When you are writing a post, no matter the subject matter, always try to aim for the 300 word mark. I know this isn't the case for appics posts but for other posts do try for 300. Even if you are posting your photography you can still aim for 300 by talking about the photos. The reason you want to do 300 is that is the minimum that Google looks for when adding articles to its search engine. And having your article in a search engine can help get more traffic for the site. But 300 is only the minimum you want to aim closer to the 700 mark if you can and your work can get more priority if you aim for higher.

Post Photos

Photos are your friend. Make sure you always post a photo to your post and make sure you have the rights to use it. If you are looking for high quality photos that are commercial free I recommend using one of these two sites:


Both of these sites let you use their photos for commercial use and you do not need to add attribution to them (though you can). You can also use your own photos too, original work is good even if it isn't professional. But DO NOT post photos off of Google that you do not have the right to use.

SEO Friendly

Make sure your title is something that people would search for and is interesting. Do not use clickbait as it will only annoy people but a catchy title that matches people's searches can help get you seen. Always think about the words people use when they search in a search engine and word your title like that.


The only way to make friends is to comment. No one knows you on here and it is the only way to get your name out there. Make sure your comments are relevant and not just one word answers like nice.

Be Yourself

You don't need to be perfect just original. Post about topics you like and have fun.

If you have any questions please let me know in the comments.

 4 years ago (edited)

Dear @whatageek

Finally I've found some time to catch up and read few previously bookmarked posts. Interesting choice of topic.

I do agree with you, that our publications should be at least 300 words long. My assumption is, that whatever is shorter than that - it's usually shitpost. Without much real content - not worth my attention.

At the same time posts longer than 500-600 words may not do well, since readers usually have quite short attention span. 5-10min read should be just PERFECT.

SEO Friendly
This part I didn't understand. Majority of publications on Steemit/hive are not indexed by google bots. So it doesn't matter if it is (or it isn't) SEO friendly.
Am I wrong?

ps. please check out my recent comment, which you probably missed:

Have a great day buddy,
Yours, Piotr

Accurately, commenting is a good way to make friends all the time and even having communities has helped us to make friends better.
This is going to help a lot of newbies

Good tips, thanks.

Actually these are simple but effective tips. Well written.

Greetings @whatageek, excellent advice for new users in steemit and Bloggers in general, who are always looking for a guide to publish and be valued, thank you for sharing your extraordinary tips. Successes.

This is one post Every newbie should read to be successful on this platform.

Just like you know my mind, I'm a newbie here and I've been looking around to familiarise myself with the community, I'm glad I'm seeing this post as it serves as a light to the dark and it adequately answers some questions on my mind about the community.
But I want to ask this, I've been seeing some post with price earned on it while some has zero.. what are the factors the determine how much your post what here?
Thank you

Good tips in a very nice post, @whatageek.

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