Project Hope Competition about The Technology, by @tocho2

in Project HOPE3 years ago


Image edited by me with powerpoint with the use of resources free to use from Pixabay.

I am very happy to make my first publication in Project HOPE, right through the @josevas217 contest

The sentence object of the contest is very deep:

"Technology is important, but the only thing that really matters is what we do with it." Muhammad Yunus

First of all, I do agree with what the sentence expresses, it is more real than people imagine, technology is here to stay, it evolves with our days and with our needs, but the key to success is in the proper use that we make of it.

For example: I am a Civil Engineer, until last year I was dedicated to managing large-scale engineering projects to be implemented in the local oil industry and according to their magnitude it was always It is necessary to incorporate new software packages to support the calculation and estimations of the structural area, electricity, electronics, mechatronics, processes, systems and mechanical engineering.

Everyone in my old work team has the ability, knowledge and better disposition to do the calculations and designs, on our own without the use of computers or software, it happens that it does. We learned in our university years and thus we were trained, we are capable of that and more in our professional area, but the use of tools such as AutoCad (to name the simplest of all), Sap2000 or Etabs for structural calculation, Caesar for the oil pipeline flexibility analysis simply guarantees us less project execution time. And this is just a small example, the sample can go further and become more complex.

It must be taken into account that the use of some software in this case that I have described, in no way guarantees: 1) that the calculations and estimates obtained are 100% correct, It is a computer with a program that does not have the appreciation and criteria that an engineer has to recognize errors and correct possible deviations; and 2) a software does not think for itself and will never know what exactly you want to obtain, you can settle and accept the graphic or alpha-numerical answer that it provides, but in no case did it make a qualitative analysis as it can do the engineer who uses it.


I believe that many aspects of our path can be developed without the need for a complicated attachment to technology, and I am referring especially to interpersonal relationships, face-to-face contact for a conversation, to have a coffee and a conversation, to celebrate the facts of life, must necessarily be done without the use of technological tools, whenever possible. Human contact is essential for the physical, mental and emotional health of individuals, in this there is no discussion.

I think we can live without technology, I was born, I grew up, I became a professional without the technological evolution that we know today, therefore I reiterate that it is possible and very healthy too ..!


Regarding the use of technology today, at any of its levels, if it is appropriate as long as we establish limits ourselves to avoid attachments and emotional dependencies such as those we see today with young people and the excessive use of social networks.

In all this, the most unfortunate thing is that the technological tools and applications are not available to everyone, and I see with great concern in my country particularly the elderly population, far if they are favored by technology, rather they are being displaced either due to lack of knowledge due to their own condition that their advanced age brings.


Finally I conclude that technology becomes satisfactory for a society not when it satisfies needs 100%, technology favors the development and evolution of society when it is capable of including to all individuals, without leaving out the most disadvantaged.

I hope you liked my participation in this contest, thanks a lot for reading my post..!


Hello friend, an excellent participation, I'm glad to have you here in the community, I agree with you, technology is important but we can't forget that which makes us human, like a simple day of coffee with your friends, they are small details that make the difference!

Greetings! :)

Hi @franyeligonzalez friend, thanks for you kinds words..!

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hola @tocho2 muy bien dicho la tecnología es necesaria hoy en día mas no significa que tengamos solamente que depender de ella para sobrevivir.Admiro a personas que como tu puedan hacer cálculos y diseños sin necesidad de un software.Lo importante está en como y cuando debemos usarla.
#twopercent #venezuela #affable

Exactamente como has dicho @marito74, debemos hacer uso racional de la tecnología sin entrar en fanatismos y sin crear dependencias que en algún momento nos traerán más problemas que beneficios..!

GRacias por comentar..!

Hello @tocho2
Thank you very much for participating in the contest, being your first publication in Project Hope, it's a good debut.
Interesting what you propose in relation to the software you use for calculations, it is for that, calculations, they are not able to discern qualities as such, that is something proper of the human being, so the best thing is that the human is always supervising everything, even if the machine or the software that is used is of the best.

Your post is a little over the word limit that we had set for the development of the post, but the content is diverse and really has much to contribute. Thank you again for participating, and you are welcome to join the Project Hope community at any time.

Hi @josevas217, I'm sorry for that

Your post is a little over the word limit that we had set for the development of the post that when I am inspired to write I extend a lot, hahaha

It happens to me too, don't worry.

Hola @tocho2 excelente tu participación, con una explicación a nivel profesional. Me encantó.
#twopercent #venezuela #affable

Gracias amiga @sacra97, espero que gane el mejor, jejeje


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