Your Best Working Hours

in Project HOPE11 months ago

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As a human being, you're unique and different in your own make up. What may work for person A, may be a complete disaster for person B. Hence, you have to be careful when copying people's style or approach to doing things - because you're uniquely made.

Some people really doubt the truth in that, they claim that - whatever method has produced success for one person will produce success for another person. But not everybody could play football like Lionel Messi. Even if they copied his daily activities.

This is because there's an innate ability that people possess for certain kind of activities. It's hard to expect that Elon Musk will play football as excellently as Lionel Messi, even if he dedicated his entire life to the game. It may never happen like that.

Because Elon Musk has his own innate abilities to understand physics and businesses - and this may be something Lionel Messi may never understand as much as Elon Musk, even if he spent 10,000 hours working on Physics problems.

All this apply to your best working hours - some people will tell you that they wake up at 2AM to start working and they've achieved success, but that may not be your best working hour. You may have to work at different working hours to know which hours you're most productive.


There is no need to compare our best work hours with another person as we are all different. The best thing is to look for what works for us and fix our time table to fit in appropriately.

Thanks for commenting.

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