Gaining Expertise before Starting Your Business

in Project HOPE4 years ago

One ability that a small business owner must have is the ability to be tolerant to risk, as necessary as it is to be smart and hardworking, you also need to have one necessary skill of bearing risk. Not every small business owner have their own money and in order to raise a substantial capital for business, some of them go out of their way to borrow money and start businesses. It takes a person who can handle risk to try out something new, to borrow money and know that these ideas will not become a success overnight. It is very necessary to look for ways to minimize risk, as efficient as it is to have the ability to take risk, there should be a limit to the risk taken and the risk should be properly calculated and an intelligent one.


It takes more than passion to begin a business, there are certain level of education that must be obtained in order to achieve success in the business world. There is more to business than going after an acquired skill or passion, it is necessary to gain experience from those who have walked down business line successfully especially those with similar objectives. To avoid failure in business, it is important that knowledge is acquired from those who have an idea about it, read books and get mentorship services where necessary.

Asides from learning, there is nothing that can be compared to having a personal experience before you venture into your desired business, you could seek for an existing enterprise that looks like the one you also have in mind and work there, this will give you an insight about what you want to do and also prepare you for what the future looks like in your own business, for instance if you plan to own a saloon you could offer to work as an hair stylist for some months, this will provide you with the necessary guide needed to run your own saloon effectively.


Asides having to work for people who have similar enterprise, you could also decide to take out some business owners on a date just to steal from their bank of knowledge and expertise, through the avenue of a date, it is possible to find out things you need to know about them and their business such as: what they like about the business, the annoying moments that the business offers, the required amount for the business, the advertising strategy and the way to go about it, learn from their mistakes by asking them what their regrets are.

Going through these steps will give you an insight on what you are about to face and it will help you clarify between knowing what you really want to achieve.


You are right most people dont take there time have Expertise before Starting Your Business, most people are just about the profit

There is nothing as awesome of having a basic knowledge about a business before you venture into it, it gives you an edge all the time.

True. Getting to know what you are going into before starting is key.

It is always best to have planning, make projections that involve a margin of error, this way you can advance more. It is always important to take 3 factors into account: the thesis, the antithesis, and the synthesis. From there, with that experience, one starts and good business is achieved.

Even after planning, most businesses seem like the planner failed somewhere whereas the planner did not fail rather things didn't just go as planned.

Thanks for reading my post.

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