New single-dose vaccine/Nueva vacuna de una sola dosissteemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE4 years ago


Traditionally vaccines are created using modified copies of the virus that causes the disease to be eradicated, these copies are somehow attenuated to prevent them from causing the disease but this is enough for our immune system to "train" and be able to eliminate the real viruses if they ever invade us.

Tradicionalmente las vacunas se crean utilizando copias modificadas del virus causante de la enfermedad a erradicar, estas copias están de alguna manera atenuadas para evitar que provoquen la enfermedad pero esto es suficiente para que nuestro sistema inmunitario se "entrene" y sea capaz de eliminar a los virus auténticos si alguna vez nos invaden.

During the course of this pandemic, pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer changed the procedure and have based their vaccine on the creation of a synthetic RNA that mimics the spicules of the virus, that is, those protrusions that emerge from the surface of the virus and that are the key that opens the cells, and this also seems to work.

Durante el curso de esta pandemia empresas farmacéuticas como Pfizer cambiaron el procedimiento y han basado su vacuna en la creación de un ARN sintético que imita a las espículas del virus, es decir, a esas protuberancias que salen de la superficie del virus y que son la llave que abre las células, y esto también parece que surte efecto.


As I said, these types of vaccines are effective but, in addition to their complication in distribution and storage that require temperatures below -70 ºC, it is necessary to apply a second dose a few weeks after the first, which significantly complicates the administration of this type of vaccines in places lacking infrastructure.

Como digo este tipo de vacunas son eficaces pero, además de su complicación en la distribución y almacenamiento que requieren temperaturas por debajo de -70 ºC, es necesario aplicar una segunda dosis unas semanas después de la primera lo que complica sensiblemente la administración de este tipo de vacunas en lugares carentes de infraestructuras.

A few days ago the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of a third procedure to develop vaccines and has given the green light to the distribution of the new Johnson & Johnson vaccine that uses a different manufacturing technique and only needs to be administered one dose to each patient.

Hace unos días la Administración de alimentos y medicamentos (FDA) de EEUU aprobó el uso de un tercer procedimiento para elaborar vacunas y ha dado luz verde a la distribución de la nueva vacuna de Johnson&Johnson que utiliza una técnica de fabricación distinta y solo es necesario administrar una dosis a cada paciente.


This new technology uses the ad26 adenoviruses that are normally the cause of the common cold, genetically modified so that they do not reproduce and that generate the coronavirus spicules to "train" our immune system to recognize them and thus create antibodies against COVID-19.

Esta nueva tecnología utiliza los adenovirus ad26 que normalmente son los causantes del resfriado común, modificados genéticamente para que no se reproduzcan y que generen las espículas de coronavirus para "entrenar" a nuestro sistema inmune a reconocerlas y crear así anticuerpos contra el COVID-19.

This new vaccine, in addition to needing a single dose, has proven to be as effective as the others and is especially effective against the South African variant, another additional advantage is that it can be stored in a conventional refrigerator for 3 months without losing its effectiveness, much easier to achieve than -70 ºC.

Esta nueva vacuna, además de necesitar una sola dosis, ha demostrado ser tan efectiva como las otras y es especialmente eficaz contra la variante sudafricana, otra ventaja adicional es que puede almacenarse en una nevera convencional durante 3 meses sin que pierda su eficacia lo que es mucho mas fácil de conseguir que los -70 ºC.

More information/Más información


Saludos @mauromar, es bueno saber esto, sí que trabajaron rápido…

Mucho dinero en juego amigo

Hola @mauromar… A pesar de todo lo malo que dejo esta pandemia, nos empujó hacia avances que ya se estaban tardando mucho y otros inesperados.

Yeah that's right.
Hopefully with this vaccine we will all be protected from the virus that has been so hot.

Johnson's vaccine has already been found to be more than 60% effective. Hopefully it has received a massive response.

wow it is informative post for mass people

The truth is very impressive how science always finds solutions. This solution of replicating the virus spicules is very great, hopefully this solution will also be applied to many other existing viruses that may need an improvement in their vaccines.

And how good that we finally have a single dose vaccine, hopefully this helps to get out of confinement once and for all and everything returns to normal.

You are right, we have evolved this last year what we would need 10 years to do it

Hi friend, hey that's very good, this ensures greater efficacy in terms of vaccine placement. It seems to me that these are great strategies to ensure that the entire population gets the right dose. Thanks for sharing. Regards.

Yes, it's very good to have as much as different vaccines as possible.

Thanks for comment.

La cadena de frio siempre va a ser un problema, sobre todo en los paises menos desarrollados y si hablamos de ultracongelación de -70 grados, ya ni te cuento...Esperemos que los gobiernos solucionen todo con mucha responsabilidad. Saludos amigo.

Además paradójicamente suele pasar que cuanto mas pobres mas calor hace.

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