How I Dig Ideas To Write

in Project HOPE4 years ago


I have no ideas to write. My mind is stucked. There are something up and down but I can grab what they are. As a blogger, I often feel blank when I want to write. I take a moment to search for ideas but I still find nothing. The absence of ideas can take for long time. That is bad for me to be a blogger. Alright, let me look at causes why ideas seem not friendly to me.

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One moment, I opened a book and read it. I think I would have an idea to write after reading the book. After reading the book I still could write a word to my blog post. Then I closed my computer and took some snacks. One day, two days until three days, I didn't write and article yet. I questioned myself what happened to me. Then I stopped writing for about a week. I did little activities with my kids. I played a kite. I forgot about my blog.

After about a week, an ideas came accross in my mind when I was joking and playing with my kids. I had beautiful moment when I was a child. Then I questioned again. I would to write about business, motivation and other heavy topic. What the relation between childhood and business. I didn't think too much, I took my pen and a paper then I started to write a story of my childhood. I didn't use a laptop because , when I opened a laptop I often disturbed by social medias and unworthy news. I wrote a page about my childhood suddenly , I had another idea how to connect my childhood story to the topic that I wanted to write. Finally, I finished the article.

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Lessons to learn

From that experience I take some lessons so that there were some ways to find ideas. I learn from profesional writers that one of ways to find ideas is brainstorming. I am familiar with this word but I am unfamiliar practically. Brainstorming , I think you have already known the word and the meaning. Let's see the definition of brainstorming.

"Brainstorming is the process of free thinking and generating ideas without being bound by restraints such as "is this a good or bad idea?" (Slater and Cory, 2003)."

Brainstorming is a group creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its members.

Though, brainstorming is usually done by a group, I try to practice myself.

Ok let me share my experience how I brainstorm myself.

  • I stopped reading.
    For some people reading may help to find ideas but it did not work for me. I experienced that ideas seem run away from me because I felt that I couldn't write like in the book.
  • I did nothing to do with my focus to write.
    I played a kite with my kids. I did housework, washed dishes and did little gardening. I wanted to stop and relaxed at that time.
  • I grabbed the idea soon it appeared in my mind. I took a pen and a paper then wrote before I lost all the ideas. By doing quick writing, I could finished an article.
  • After the experience, to write I got a way how to write a post in quick writing. What I did is brainstorming myself. I measured myself when an idea came across in my mind. " Do have much knowledge to write the idea?" if not, I cleaned and thought other topics that were familiar with me. In my principle, I should not have to search for many references in my writing because searching for too many references took time and energy. My writing was not a university paper so I should take it easy to write. I am responsible for my opinions and ideas that's why I use word "I" In almost all my posts.


I am not a profesional writer. I am just a blogger. My post isn't a paper so I feel having no burden when I write an opinion about heavy topics. That's true my opinion so readers can argue to what I write. I don't mind when many readers disagree. My point is that I share what benefits to me. In my writing I try to avoid attacking everyone with words so I hope ideas and experience that I felt will be a lesson to my readers to do better than me. Thanks for reading don't forget to be my friend @lebah because I will be your friend.

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The best strategy for exploring ideas is by reading. by reading, we will get the widest possible information as writing material. Quickly read all sources of information provided by the library about the subject that interests you. When reading, start from a common reading source, then gradually to a specific reading. For what ?, so that your thoughts in addition to broader in digging up information, your mindset later in writing has divergent characters , so that your writing process does not seem monotonous and the information you get is more focused and detailed so that the ideas we develop become informative.

I agree with you reading is a way to improve our knowledge. I need specific time to read a book. In my case , when I read then I force to get ideas from what I have read. I found there are no ideas that comes up. Reading a book in not to find ideas for a quick glance to write but to increase knowledge and broaden mindset. I like to read history and cooking.

I like to read history and cooking.

What you do it is very good.

Writers always have that time when they are unable to just write and everything seem to go blank but oh gratefully your adorable kids were able to help you write again.

Hi @ajewa , blank ideas often take place in my mind. I think our brain to take a rest for a while. Yeah brain is also part of our body that needs to stop from overload working.

There are moments where we lack the inspiration or motivation to write, but fortunately they always come, late maybe but they come, the important thing is to keep looking, anywhere we can find something that inspires us to write, like the picture you put on the cover, looking at those instruments you can think of many things! Greetings!

like the picture you put on the cover, looking at those instruments you can think of many things

Thanks @franyeligonzalez actually, that morning I would like to fix a wooden stuff in my house. I drank a cup of coffee and put the tools on the table. My wife took the photo. When I wrote this , I had no idea what images should I add to the post, then I got a file and saw the picture.

Hehe, I often struggle with ideas on what to write. That is why I try to have a pen and a paper next to me, because when inspiration comes and I get thousands of ideas (at least it feels that way), I write it all down and hopefully, when I lack inspiration at another time, I grab something from the list and write it!

That's what I do now. I forget about anything and do what I like to do. However, I should have a pen near me so when the idea comes up suddenly I write down and keep it. Then, I will write at anothe time.

Glad you were finally able to come up with something, our brain deserves rest too and you should get something for those amazing kids to thank them....

This is me and my boy were playing in rain. I had three children, two girls and a boy. They are still in primary school. Now, In lockdown time, they study from home so almost everyday I play out with them to throw away the boring situation.
He is my boy, We were playing in rain. He was crying because he slipped and fell on the ground.

It's really great learning from how you get ideas to write articles and I love the part when you stated that you sometimes read books and then you were still not able to write anything which led to you taking a break from writing until you discovered brainstorming is actually the main key to achieving this!

There are also times I my brain and mind turns blank with no topic or writing ideas but one of the ways I solve this is to rest, meditate and explore more about topics I can write on.

Today I felt like writing about something that really made me sad and it really changed my mood. I decided to write it in form of poetry since I'm not planning to write long articles and I am very glad my followers felt the impact of the poetry in their heart.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead

Cool, Let post the Poetry, I really want to know I wait for your peotry in steem. I like poetry in my national language. Poetry in english I sometime doesn't understand the meaning.

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