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RE: The cyclical price of Bitcoin

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Dear @joseph1956

Bitcoin has been quite a roller-coster lately. Definetly it's a great time for swing traders (like myself) who aim to increase amount of total bitcoin held in the wallet.

however, it is something that has a cycle, just as the earth revolves around the sun or about itself.

To some degree you're right. Most markets are moving in the cycle. However, there are exceptions and one of major one is Japan. Those who invested in their stock market at the top (before this huge crash took place years back) would not recover their investment even several years later.

Hopefully BTC will not follow similar path (very unlikely).

yours, Piotr


Since I have been in this cryptographic world it has been like this, ups and downs and always the same result, only now the crash was much more violent and unexpected.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.31
TRX 0.11
JST 0.035
BTC 66739.07
ETH 3228.97
USDT 1.00
SBD 4.23