Few Tips For Anger Management

in Project HOPElast year

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Anger is one of the emotional experiences of a person, which is closely related to cognitive processes, physical arousal, and aggressive behavior. In adverse situations, anger can spiral out of control and become an affect, interfering with a person's social functioning and overall well-being. Anger management - how to learn to cope with emotions on your own and when should you contact a specialist?

Why Do Temper Tantrums Happen?

For a more accurate understanding of the causes of anger, it is necessary to consider a number of factors that collectively affect the meaning of anger:

Biological Factors: the type of choleric temperament that disposes to anger. A mobile strong nervous system reacts faster and brighter to external stimuli.

Physiological Factors: lack of sleep leads to a level of physical exhaustion, chronic stress leads to mental exhaustion. In states of neuropsychic exhaustion, a person reacts to external stimuli with negative emotions and non-adaptive behavior, including aggressive ones.

Psychological Factors: dissatisfaction with work, financial situation, personal problems, obligations regarding the behavior of other people, the inconsistency of the world around us with internal standards, the inability to control and express anger - all this causes growing internal tension, which is just waiting for psychological relaxation.

Anger in the structure of mental disorder: This single factor affects different variants of disorders: anger often accompanies personality disorders, bipolar disorder, relapses in eating disorders, chemical and non-chemical addictions, and addictions. And it can also act as a factor in the decompensation of psychopathology in loved ones.

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Steps in Dealing with Anger

Step one: First you need to track how often, after an angry affective discharge, a person justifies his actions, for example:

  • "She took me out"
  • “This time he really asked for it.”
  • "Got what they deserved"
  • “They had no right to express themselves like that, I answered them correctly.”

  • Step two: determine the degree of intensity of your own experiences. Often, people with anger problems downplay the intensity, which also makes it difficult to deal with aggressive behavior, because strong anger limits volitional control over emotions, increasing the risk of impulsive behavior.

    Step three: determine the frequency of anger (how many times during the day you get angry).

    When Do You Need Specialist Help?

    In cases where attempts to cope with anger on their own have failed. A person begins to use emotional and physical violence against close family members: a child, wife, etc., in the case of a previously diagnosed personality disorder, mood disorders, it is necessary to seek the help of a psychologist.

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    How Does a Psychologist Solve Problem of Anger?

    The most important function of a psychologist, which cannot be achieved when working with anger on your own, is to find unique personal reasons for being angry, a person’s duty, deep convictions. To help understand where and in what way his boundaries are violated, to build a gradual competent work with anger.

    Usually, after outbursts of anger and irritation towards a child, a feeling of guilt falls on a person, and the emotional picture becomes complex. The psychologist helps to sort out these difficult feelings. Develops a personal strategy for solving a problem for a person, monitors the results, supports a person in working on anger.

    It is also difficult for a teenager to cope with anger on his own, since during the period of maturation of the body, the psyche becomes mobile and unstable, and the area of ​​the volitional coping component is still not sufficiently developed and cannot cope with the control function.

    The task of a psychologist is to teach a teenager the skills of controlling and coping with anger. Explain the mechanisms of aggressive behavior. Play roles with him in daily situations in which a teenager cannot cope with anger and aggression.

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