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RE: Showcase-Sunday: Goodbye cobber...

in OCD5 years ago

There is always value somewhere in your posts.. it's usually not very hard to find. When it takes a little digging, I still know it's there, somewhere... the value that is.. though, that does kind of ruin the surprise, at least in that aspect. Now, if you were to post something of no value at all, I would be surprised, which could be valuable... therefore, your hands are tied, it is truly impossible to do something of no value... and that, cobber, is invaluable.. I think.. that I'm gonna get some rest... after rereading this.. I'll still post it though, for your reading pleasure. ;P


Thanks mate, I appreciate you saying so. I don't know if everything I write has value, bit I try to send a message in most posts, and I guess the way I post, the effort I go to, passion I inject...Well, maybe that has a message for some...Even if it's just a good example.

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