CONTEST: Is there a friendship between a man and a woman?/ By @daakye

What is friendship?
Who is a friend?
and how does friendship comes about?
These are the main questions that come to mind when the topic of friendship is raised.

To me, friendship is a form of relationship where there's mutual understanding, care, love, and affection.
A friend is someone that has your back and will always be there for you in both good and happy times.

A man and a woman are like two opposites sides of a coin, both sides on their own have little or no value but when they come together and make up a coin, it has value. So is Friendship.
When the feeling is not mutual then that friendship is questionable and subject to ending sooner or later.

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Yes, I believe there can be or there is friendship between a man and a woman. I know this is true because I have a female friend that I can't do anything without.
I met her in a chemistry class in my first year at the University. I am in my third year and we are still very close friends. Our relationship has even grown much stronger.
We share basically everything together except her female staff of course😂. We are in the same hostel and she visits me every now and then and vice versa.

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I remember one day, I was very sick and bedridden. She came to visit and stayed with me throughout the entire day till the following day. she prepared breakfast, lunch, and supper for us both and insisted I take my medications and that's how I regained my strength and healing.

The funny thing is that we behave or act like we are boyfriend and girlfriend but we are not. she actually has a boyfriend and I have a girlfriend.

So the notion that when a man and a woman are friends, it will automatically lead to marriage is not necessarily true. It depends on both of them actually whether to extend their friendship into marriage or not.

Back to my best friend, it took a single act of kindness that brought us together. I assisted her in her assignment and that was the genesis of this great friendship.
Showing love and kindness towards people can foster good relationship

To once again answer the question of whether or not a man and a woman can remain friends, Please it is a solid yes. A man and a woman can remain friends for a very long time.

I want to use this opportunity to invite @jhayss, @paulandam, and @dentil to partake in this great contest.


Прекрасная дружба!

да, я всегда благодарен Богу за такого друга в моей жизни

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