Methods and rules for keeping hobby rabbits

Assalamu Alaikum. Dear friends, how are you all? I hope you are well by the grace of God. Alhamdulillah I am also very well. Today I am here with a new blog detailing my hobby of rabbit poaching. I hope everyone will be with me in the end.


I sincerely regret not being able to make any blocks due to the terrible violence in Bangladesh for the past few days. Sitting at home this time, I gave time to my rabbit. There are usually many types of rabbit colors, among which the color of my rabbit was white. They were 20 days old. Very small and cute I used to play with them all day and I made them my friends.Rabbits generally like to eat vegetables and another favorite food is wheat bran. They love to eat green vegetables. For them I used to buy kalmi sha from the market and feed them with my own hands. During the day I used to leave them inside the room and take them outside. They like to be out in the open and if they are out in the open, their health does not deteriorate.


Every now and then I play with the rabbit. And to two rabbits I give two funny names. They are used to this name by calling me by this name, now when I am called by this name they come running to me. They have to be fed 7 to 8 times a day. And take bath 5 to 6 times per month. Otherwise they get sick if they bathe too much.If they get sick, it takes a long time to recover. What makes them sick most of the time is their watery eyes and swollen eyes. And the solution to this problem is the flower of the Elephant Sur tree. Yes, the flower of this plant is their main medicine. In case of any problem, if they are fed with the juice of this plant and applied to their eyes, they will recover very quickly.


Rabbits usually become fertile 5 to 6 months after birth. They give birth every year. Each breeding season produces six to seven young. My bunnies have hopefully grown a lot so far they are now three months old and will give birth in two to three months. These bunnies are what feed me through the day. Their main enemies are dogs and cats. Beware of dogs and cats.And the most interesting thing is that they are very fast. They can run very fast even though they are small.


Rabbit meat is also very tasty to eat but I don't eat them for food. They look so beautiful I like to catch them so I eat them for hobby. This chunu and puti are my best friend. They have become my hunters and whenever I call them, they run to me wherever they are. And they are always with me. Play with them all day and put them carefully in the cage at night. They should be kept away from dogs and cats. When dogs and cats see rabbits, they come to kill them.


Dear friends, that's it for today, I will come back to you with a new blog, may God bless you all.

 last month 

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