Steemit Engagement Challenge S3:W4 - Three Things I'd Change about Myself, and Three Things I'd Keep | by @badmus-official

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Hello everyone, how are you all doing ? I trust you have been having a great time with your weekend, it's great over here as well, I welcome you once again to the Steemit engagement challenge, which on today's, I shall be discussing The Three things I'd change about myself, and three things I'd keep.

The Three Thing I'd Keep

As a human being, we all have our side ,as there are stuffs about us that we like, and as well there are stuffs about ourselves that we don't like , sometimes it might not pay off but we feel the need to keep doing it, here are few things about me I would like to keep doing.

Consistency - if there's anything I could brag about myself, it will definitely be my level of consistency, I am consistent in a way that even despite not seeing a reward in some things that I a m doing, I am still consistent enough to want to see it succeed so this makes me to keep doing better and I am the type of person that in every opportunity I always strive and also want to succeed in that particular thing.

There are many situations that has been rough, for example, when I started learning programming or other stuff that people might find difficult,despite all the setbacks I have always been consistent and I have always want to succeed, so that is one of the things I love about myself.

Hardworking - This is also one of my greatest uniqueness,I am a very hard-working guy, i am what they call a jack of all trades, I don't need people to tell me this or acknowledge my level of hardworking, as I myself know well enough that yes I am quiet hardworking person, I have always strived to work and become better because I believe hardworking always pays at the end.

Right from a young age, I have always believed that the more you work harder, the more you see the results,some people around me says it is not all about hardwork, that it is about Luck, but i believe that luck is for the lazy people, I try as much as other to make sure of success by working harder, so when I work hard and I didn't see the results I wanted, at least I know that I have tried. so there's also one of my great uniqueness.

Soft heartened - I equally love the part where I have a soft heart, I mostly have a soft heart for people and for everybody around me, there are situations whereby people tag others as bad people but when I moved to them, i just tends to understand the good people in them, I have always believed that people will always the people generally and it is what they do that makes them look bad or make them look good.

So I am soft heartened in a way that I don't judge people, I love people actually and equally, and in this case I don't get too sentimental about who is who, I am very friendly and I could easily mingle with others without knowing their background.

Three Things I'd changed

Procrastinating - For a couple of years back now, I have wanted to start a gig on Freelance or as well enrol into some programs and have my LinkedIn ready, but due to procrastinating, I always postpone them, I'd give it a day or two till the point that I might not start it, this has been a major fault in me that I would like to change this habit as soon as possible.

Procrastination can have a bad effect on people, as people mostly procrastinate due to the fear of not been able to succeed or the fear of something, but I tends to be getting over that by having list of task I would like to prepare or get through on each day.

Holding Grudges - I am the kind of person that tends to keep great malice when people offend me, I could go on for long getting angry at people while smiling at them, sometimes, they might have forgotten the situation and the moment they spin up to my face, I had keep the anger out and judge them by the past.

I don't like been offended as I have always had people's interest at heart, I cherish people a lot and I seems to always put their emotions before I consider doing anything to them or saying anything, so this always gets to me when I see people not treating me with the same manner and the Respects I have given to them, I tends to keep them in mind and hold there character for as long as I could and as well judge them with it, I would like to change this idea some day as well.

Too Nerdy - I am a straight forward person, I speak facts and tell people straight up how the situations are, sometimes people get offended when I tell them about situations or tell me I don't know how to talk, I had tell them how things are than to polish it for them, I oftern get blamed of being too Nerdy and not considering emotions sometimes.

To me, this feels like the normal things to do to an individual whereby I love people who are straight, people who tells me the real condition of a particular situations, people who are being straightforward, but it seems the world doesn't work this way as sometimes emotions has to be considered before telling people about their current situations and as well how you judge them.with this I have learnt to tell people what they wanted to hear ,than rather ruining there emotions.


Here come the conclusion on the topic Three things I'd change about myself, and three things I'd keep, where I have discussed things I would like to change about myself and as well things I would like to keep doing so as to get better in the end.

Thank you everyone for following through my post, I hope to see you next time. I Hereby invite @solexybaba , @msquaretk, and @olabillions to participate as well.


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Greetings to you brother, I must say you have a good habit which I would love to emulate, in life no matter how good we are, there is always a stain in our white yard, procrastination is a time robber, it robs us of our precious time, although being nerdy should be considered a trait you'd keep but sometimes the truth is always to effective and causes break down in emotion, it takes Introduction wise to tell a mother his son is dead, imagine coming straight with the truth to her face.

We all get angry, our pee is always matched sometimes, intentionally or not, keeping malice is not healthy and I know you are working on your
habit you prefer not to keep.

Thanks for your invitation
It was Lovely reading you

Eres una persona muy trabajadora y te gusta eso de ti. No hace falta que alguien mas te diga lo mucho que te esfuerzas, tu lo sabes mas que nadie! Alcanzaras el exito!!

Procrastinar es algo que debes trabajar para evitar problemas en el futuro. Que bueno que ya reconoces esa debilidad! Ahora a trabajarla.


 2 years ago 

One of the signs possessed by a hard worker is that a hard worker has high initiative. Usually, a hard worker will always do everything first when given an assignment or order from his boss.

A hard worker will not want to throw away the opportunity given to them. This is what makes a hard worker have a high sense of initiative.

I also share posts about 3 things, if you have time please see it and I will be happy.

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