SEC-S13 / W5 | "How can alcohol cause damage to your health? "

in Healthy Steem11 months ago (edited)



Alcohol abuse is a hazardous problem, sad to say millions of people nowadays paradoxically drink themselves into the grave, and this is because a lot of people don't consider alcohol to be a drug. The consequences of overdrinking are harmful to our physical & mental health even our social life, Alcohol causes cancer of the breast, throat and mouth, it causes high blood pressure, liver problems etc. This topic is so interesting and I would like to know some of my friend's opinions on it so I'm inviting @eliany, @heriadi and @enamul19 to share their views.

When Can We Say That A Person Is An Alcoholic? Give Reasons For Your Answer!



A person is an alcoholic when he/she is drinking more than a standard limit recommended by health authorities or imposed by law. This is because once you pass the limits it becomes a problem for you, causing physical or mental damage. At first, you may become intoxicated, but as time goes on you won't because your brain has adapted to it which is bad, and you'll be craving for more and can't stay a day without it, and begin depending on alcohol without the willpower to abstain from drinking even when you're having problems with drinking.

No one is free from the harmful effects of alcohol abuse, it's dangerous to the mind Ethanol the chemical compound present in alcohol can destroy or damage our nervous system. It impairs speech, vision, thought, coordination and behaviour, which is why a person who drinks too much develops blurred vision, slurred speech, sluggish movement and weak behavioural restraint. Yes, ethanol normally alters the information in the brain and prevents it from functioning properly.

Do You Think Alcohol Is A Drug? Justify Your Answer!



Alcohol is a drug, but the majority don't accept this, it is a depressant drug, that slows down the activities of the brain, a chemical known as polyphenols is contained in alcohol and is used to constrict blood vessels, and they have good effect of reduces substance that causes blood clots and increase the level of good cholesterol.

Can Alcoholism Be Considered A Disease? How To Control It!

Yes Alcoholism can be considered a chronic disease because it changes the way some organs function just like every other chronic disease like diabetes, heart disease etc. Alcohol misuse is a disease of the brain it can be treated but can't be cured.



We have a choice of either to drink or use a drug. But one thing is that one can't control how the brain will react to it. Shaming can't undo the effect of alcohol in the brain nor the willpower so it's better we don't become addicted in the first place.

Like people with heart disease and other chronic illnesses chooses treatment like eating healthy, exercising etc to control their disease, an addicted person have to choose his/her's but must first of all see the need to change wanting a life free from addiction and problems that comes with it.

Is Every Drinker Considered An Alcoholic?

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Nope not every drinker are alcoholic, we have moderate drinkers, and these are the ones who drink in moderation they don't exceed the limit recommended, and we have those who drink alcohol occasionally, not everyday drinkers and can't be called alcoholics because they are not developing any drinking problems. It's good we know ourselves well because a person may become alcoholic even when drinking small and some heavy drinkers are not because they don't develop any problems.

Alcohol should be taken in moderation to avoid its harmful effects, drink it in small amounts throughout and do not exceed the standard limit no matter what. Thanks for reading me!

 11 months ago 

Hola, es increíble como las personas que consumen alcohol no se dan cuenta del daño que se están haciendo en su cerebro y en su hígado y en sus riñones además de que se vuelven adictivas y provoca grabarlas con un teléfono celular para que después cuando pase el efecto vean todas las cosas que pueden hacer y las vergüenzas que causan cuando consumen mucha cantidad de alcohol.

Y es verdad el abuso del alcohol lo están haciendo millones de personas y están muy descontroladas en cuanto a su consumo ojalá pudieran tener más conciencia sobre el consumo del alcohol.

Exitos en el concurso

 10 months ago 

You're right dear, people are drinking themselves to the grave, it's good we exercise moderation in drinking alcohol. Thanks for visiting me.

 11 months ago 

Kebiasaanya, orang yang menjadi pecandu alkohol diakibatkan dari ikut-ikutan mencari solusi ketenangan atau pergaulan. Mereka mencoba dan mengulangi beberapa kali, sehingga akhirnya menjadi pecandu.

Lebih baik kita tidak pernah mencoba hal yang tidak penting dan memilih solusi lain untuk menangkan jiwa, beberapa orang memilih untuk berkunjung ke tempat wisata alam yang tenang dan sebagainya.

Sukses terus buatmu kawanku @goodybest

 10 months ago 

You're absolutely right my friend, there are other positive solutions for our problems other than alcohol. I appreciate your contribution and thanks for engaging meaningfully.

 10 months ago 

Syukurlah kawan, sukses selalu buat kita semua.

 11 months ago 

A pesar de que muchos no consideran el alcohol como una droga y beben hasta perder el conocimiento sin pensar en los problemas que el alcohol causa en el organismo, otros opinan que si es una droga por los efectos depresores que causa en el cerebro y todo el sistema nervioso
Por otro lado tenemos que el alcoholismo es una enfermedad que por más que se trate la persona siempre recae creando un círculo vicioso del que no logra salir por eso es mejor alejarse del alcohol

 11 months ago 

Thanks for your wonderful contribution @rosselena friend, indeed we need to drink alcohol in moderation to avoid any form of abuse and addiction. I appreciate your visit!

Alcoholism is a disease that causes damage to many of our body organs. Like kidney, liver, heart, alcohol is a serious disease, which is very difficult to control. Once a person becomes addicted to it, then alcohol controls his mind. We have seen many disadvantages of excessive drinking in society.

 11 months ago 

You're absolutely correct, we should drink alcohol in moderation to avoid story that touches the heart. Thanks for visiting me and contributing meaningfully!

 11 months ago 

An alcoholic person will also show symptoms of anxiety, aggressiveness and abstinence. They tend to lose some control when they can not drink or simply think only of alcohol and do not have a calm mind until they get a drop of it.

The substances it contains, in excess or high consumption can deteriorate our general health little by little without us realizing it.

That is why we must always keep in mind that we must have a lot of control and precaution of how much we consume when the occasion arises.

Good luck and greetings!

 11 months ago 

Thank you so much for your meaningful contribution I appreciate!

 11 months ago 

It's a real shame that people drink to their grave, and yes this is very true in my society but having a choice in the matter helps a lot in avoiding alcohol.
Thanks for sharing

 10 months ago 

Thanks for visiting me today Bongk, I appreciate your contribution

 10 months ago 

My pleasure

Yes Alcoholism can be considered a chronic disease because it changes the way some organs function just like every other chronic disease like diabetes, heart disease etc. Alcohol misuse is a disease of the brain it can be treated but can't be cured.

I concur with this point. Alcohol is not just a disease but also a cause for a disease. Indeed alcohol is a disease when taken excessively and can also create a pathway for other diseases to get into our body system. This substance should be taken with caution and with limits.

Thank you so much for sharing.

 11 months ago 

Hi Nelson thanks for your valuable contribution, moderation should be our watch-word for drinking alcohol


This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06 for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @pelon53

 11 months ago 

Thank you so much @pelon53

It becomes a concern when drinking crosses certain limits, leading to negative consequences on health and daily life. It's essential to be mindful of our alcohol intake and seek help if we find ourselves losing control or facing challenges due to drinking

 10 months ago 

You're right friend, but the worst part of it is that most alcoholics loses their willpower and won't seek help. I appreciate your contribution!

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