Weekly work Report as CR from Argentina @graceleon- July 22 to July 29

in Steem POD Team3 years ago

I send you a cordial and fraternal greeting, my dear colleagues of the Steem Pod Team.

Before you I bring my management as Representative in Argentina.

I have been working hard, supporting hundreds of steemit bloggers from all over the world and mainly from South American countries.

I would like to detail the most outstanding activities in which I have participated.

From July 22 to 29 July, I report the following tasks.

Summary of the week:

  • Greeter to the newcomer community.
  • Provide support with account steemcurator03 twice a week (Saturday 24 and Wednesday 28) from UTC time.
  • Provide support once a week with account steemcurator05. (Monday on the second shift)
  • Provide manual curation support with the 500 sp minowsupport program with the booming account on Steemit Nursery. 2 times a week, selecting posts to be awarded and encouraging program users to follow their posts on steemit, providing general support and support.
  • I supported hundreds of steemites with my vote and comments these 7 days, making optimal use of the delegation given to me by @steemcurator01 added to my steempower.
  • I sponsored 3 contests in RECREATIVE STEM making an important investment of my steem earned in my posts, to distribute them as an incentive to each user who makes outstanding participations and somehow reward their effort and trust in us as a community. Besides that I elaborate the top of the best posts of the week and distribute weekly steem to the best spontaneous posts of the bloggers in Recreative steem. I have sponsored the tops of the RECREATIVE STEEM community, valuing the publications that are generated there organically and incentivizing with steem the best quality ones, as a personal initiative.
  • My main objective has been to strengthen the growth of Steemit in South American countries, attracting new users, training them, supporting them and encouraging the production of good content within the Steemit platform.
  • I have encouraged new users in Argentina to make all the achievements of the newcomers community to get to know the steemit platform in depth.
  • I have advised hundreds of steemitters in Venezuela, as it is the country with more presence and consistency of the platform.

Already RECREATIVE STEEM in only 32 days has 413 subscribers and more than 155 active posters. We have had the support of @steemcurator01 in 2 posts on the community account @hive-141434 this week, which will become steem power to support user posts and keep the account active. Plus we stated our intention to participate in the #spud4steem this August 1.
I am very happy with this valuable support, as we have crossed borders, cultures and languages. We currently have bloggers from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, India, Slovenia..... Among other countries that have joined our beautiful and friendly community. We continue to grow and strengthen with the love and goodwill of our followers.

I present to you the distribution of the votes I contribute. It should be noted that I try to be all day and night attentive to my work, devoting great efforts to be diligent and committed to the work. I always receive good comments from users for my performance and that excites me to keep going.

justy 29 july.png
Link source steemyy

voting 29 july.png
Link source steemworld.org/@graceleon

vot steemworld.png

I produce with great determination an active participation in the platform with my always honest and quality publications, providing growth and inspiration to readers. On average of more 1.5 daily posts.

post activos.png

10 post actives weekly

This week I generated 2 #thediarygame posts; 2 contest participation posts; 4 work reporting posts as a greeter and curator, 1 manifestation of willingness to participate in #spud4steem on August 01 and 1 musical.

I have actively participated in the #thediarygame also encouraging the participation of other bloggers, always with a good attitude, responding to the comments of those who write to me and commenting on the posts of other steemitters to motivate, encourage and celebrate them for their content. In fact, on RECREATIVE STEEM there is a significant presence of posts with the hashtags #thediarygame #betterlife, feeling comfortable showcasing their journals in our community.

I have encouraged the participation of bloggers from Argentina, however in recent days the support for our #argentina hashtag has diminished, as the desired curatorial support has not been provided to the small population of bloggers from this country. At the moment there are more Argentine bloggers inactive, due to lack of motivation and incentive in their publications, it is something that is evident in our work reports.

I have supported the validation and verification of many new steemites in newcomers. And my reports as greeters prove it, I am satisfied with this work. Here I make an anthology of my reports this week so you can see the work done. I am very satisfied and happy for the opportunity given to me by the steemitblog team to develop my talent, leadership and good performance within the team led by @cryptokannon in the steemit Newcomers Nursery and Community. Along with the entire team of greeters in the steemit ecosystem.

LIINK REPORT july 23- July 24 steemcurator03
LIINK REPORT July 26 steemcurator05
LIINK REPORT july 23- July 29 steemcurator03

This past week I promoted 2 contests on RECREATIVE STEEM.
With the RECREATIVE STEEM COMMUNITY that is @hive-141434 promoting the mass participation initiative in each of their contests. In addition to presenting a calendar of guided participation within the community, I am working, preparing a talented multidisciplinary team to make life In steemit, we promote quality, authenticity and excellence of content on the platform.
We have had wonderful receptivity from bloggers around the world and we are very satisfied.
We have made power up with everything that comes in as author rewards with the account @hive-141434.
My team at RECREATIVE STEEM is: @yrmaleza, @oneldoors, @bellana, @yanelpuerta, @nahumsamuel, @nelsondoor, @villarrealjj. All in charge of a theme for each day and all active on the platform. All of them are residents of Buenos Aires - Argentina, with a very complete and advanced vision of cosmic growth. I invite you to know them more closely, as they are a very interesting team.


I wish to reiterate my fervent request to have the support of @steemitblog and the support program until we can consolidate the community account that gives curation to the posts supported in RECREATIVE STEEM. Please rate my work and give us the support we need to grow.

We made our official application to qualify for support from the @steemitblog program to the RECREATIVE STEEM application communities.
Already the RECREATIVE STEEM community has over 413 subscribers in 32 days of its founding and we have several more than 156 active posts, which will surely increase as you give us the support we need.

This week I have sent the community account @hive-141434 a total of 145 steem to reward quality posts and awards for the week's active contests. I am making an arduous effort for the development of RECREATIVE STEEM.

In the Recreative Steem Community we are in the process of Verifying users, granting membership to all those who submit their newcomer Achievement 1 in the comments of the User Verification post.
Also, we have already defined our rules and the daily schedule of activities in the community.
Every day we gain more and more enthusiastic subscribers with what we are doing.
We are promoting the steemit platform in our social networks.
We are open to receive delegations from all users who wish to invest their sp with us to support the content of the community.

Post Recreative steem Community
Rules community RECREATIVE STEEM
User Verified
Delegations program

mone hive141434.png
Wallet account community @hive-141434

I reiterate my commitment to work within the steemit platform and I am at your service to continue building a solid ecosystem where we can all live together harmoniously.
Count on me and I count on you.

I appreciate the support and trust that the @steemitblog and @steemcurator01 team have given me, as well as the support given to me by my colleagues @ tocho2, @ anasuleidy, @ edlili24, @ inspiracion, @ belenguerra, @ fendit, @ wilmer1988 @ adeljose @ albenis @ saracampero, @ nahela, @ rypo01 and @ miyexi.
Thanking you for all the support and trust that you have given me within the platform;
I say goodbye to you with affection;

CC.- @steemitblog @stemcurator01 @steemcurator02

Posters Designed in Canva

With love for you, @graceleon

Country Representative Argentina
Discord: graceleon#2348
Twitter: @graceleon1987


WhatsApp Image 2021-06-27 at 17.39.18.jpeg


Preparados para el 1 de Agosto Power Up☺️ contentos de ver día a día crecer la Comunidad de manera integral, verificando a los usuarios, moderando concurso y ayudando en todo lo que podemos @graceleon
Gracias por el apoyo 👏🏼👏🏼

 3 years ago 

Hola @bellana te agradezco tanto por todo el apoyo y el compromiso que has demostrado en RECREATIVE STEEM, tu eres una guerrera y sé que Dios está contigo. Ánimo!

Hola @graceleon, seguimos trabajando como equipo , para mejorar cada vez más.... gracias 😊😊🙌

 3 years ago 

Así es, y ustedes son el mejor equipo en el que he podido estar, estoy muy orgullosa de ustedes, pues más allá de los números, está el cariño que le ponen a cada post para hacerlo de la más alta calidad. Gracias Nelson!

Maravillosa gestion. Amo la labor tan dedicada que realiza como CR. Preparados para el 1 de agosto 👍✨

 3 years ago 

Hola @yrmaleza, sigamos poniéndole corazón y mucho empeño pues esto apenas empieza y sabemos que a los que aman a Dios todas las cosas le ayudan a bien.... todo lo que sucede tiene un propósito especial y lo sabemos. Gracias por siempre estar a pie de cañón...

Excelente gestión @graceleon, adelante!!

 3 years ago 

Hola @nahumsamuel gracias por poner a disposición todo el talento musical en RECREATIVE STEEM

Excelente trabajo @graceleon!!

 3 years ago 

Cobremos ánimo y recuperemos fuerzas porque deseamos que sucedan cosas increíbles y estamos listos para eso, gracias por siempre estar a tiempo y fuera de tiempo!

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