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One thing that many people are not doing is electing officials that will find remedies for the ills. Our current leadership, in the U.S. is NOT a organization that will fix anything, except for the wealthiest of us. The last miltary budget passed here was $862 BILLION. More than the next 23 Countries combined, 19 of which are allies.
Career Poiticians are one reason this happens since they tend to get wealthy from the "miltary complex" that runs our government. So, even though "Cambridge Analytica" tries passing out the propaganda that not voting is cool, don't believe it. Changing the system starts with each vote that is cast for change. This one isn't about parties, it isn't about who is the best person. We each have our own opinion about who can make the changes, mostly they are NOT the incumbants who have been sitting in Congress for 30 years and more.
Good luck, help with the change!! Mitch, out

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