Help this platform - weekendfreewrite

in Freewriters2 years ago

Each day I copy-past, not one link but more to help others find contests, prompts, and what I or others wrote easier.
It takes a lot of time and I wonder how many click on that link and read it. How many of those readers comment. Well, how many comment I know. Hardly anyone.

Is there a need to reach out to others?
I think we all should. What would happen if each one of us do so on the platforms we join? Is it possible to give a stranger a great day just by reading and commenting, by giving an upvote that literally costs nothing except a bit of time and a click of our finger? To the lazy ones, it can even be done automatically. There's no need to read each story if you are in a hurry or not such a reader (always interesting why so many hate reading but keep joining writing platforms).

I know why, you like to earn, be noticed and hope for that high whale, help is coming but if you don't invest in others why should they invest in you?
I know some of you do very well, without posting great, original content. You found a way to even earn a lot. I congratulate you.

While you quickly post something about nothing, others invest hours in writing, editing about what keeps them busy or sharing photos of their world travel without being noticed.
Indeed, they deserve better, some attention, a comment and an upvote for all their hard work. Although they know that will hardly happen they keep writing, and posting. Not day after day but month after month. The time invested in writing, editing, making photos, the costs for internet, electricity, and a device is it worth it? Is it worth that very small payment a month?

We all have our dreams and hopes. Many of us need a way out, a bit of attention no matter if it's from a stranger abroad.
Most of us will never become rich but that doesn't mean each one of us is a dream weaver in some way and it does well if some smaller dreams come true if we can make them come true with help of someone else.

A great (Whit) weekend to all.

help is coming
world travel
it is worth it
dream weaver

See @mariannewest for the daily prompt or the weekendfreewrite prompts or see HERE


As you can see this is the first comment on your post.
Too bad, isn't it?
But that reflects exactly what is really happening here.
Everyone is just chasing after upvotes so that the account goes up.
Real interest (which then also leads to success) has hardly anyone here.
Quite stupid I find those who then also give upvotes with 2 - 5 or 7% and 100% MUST give, so that it brings anything at all.
In addition, I think it's bad that everyone is watching - also on the other platforms, that in the other countries much more happens!
You only need to look at the other communities - and the upvotes!!!
The Germans are just too boring!
Our egoism spoils almost everything.

Translated with (free version)

Second comment...
@filosof103 is right.
I'm afraid it's posting and leaving. The posting to receive an upvote and leaving to avoid interaction (some will not have access to the internet 24/7 so partly understandable).

I doubt a chat will make it better. Some communities do good and some people in these communities get high upvotes. I don't always understand why. Perhaps a certain agreement too?

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