Freewrite: Chain [ENG/ESP]

in Freewriters4 years ago

Chained the condemned, sad and silent, with a self-conscious heart.

Tell me what your anguish is, tell me why you weep

If on earth there are free men, even though there are tribulations

The chains that oppress you are not fierce beasts.

The chains that bind you are not mountains, they are not tidal waves, much less typhoons.

They are the weaknesses that are born within and you do not recognize.

If your heart is heavy, and your soul is eaten up by the preconceived idea, of incapacity and mistakes.

Convince yourself, anything you can do, but you cannot be distracted.

If you do not take a step forward, when you fall, how can you pretend to free yourself from bonds, rooted like needles in every pore of your skin.

¡thank you for your attention!

This post has translated with "deepl" translator. If any user sees errors, please say so in the comments to correct it as soon as possible, thanks very much.

Encadenado el condenado, triste y silencioso, con un corazón cohibido.

Dime cuál es tu angustia, dime por qué lloras.

Si en la tierra hay hombres libres, aunque haya tribulaciones.

Las cadenas que te oprimen, no son bestias feroces.

Las cadenas que te atan no son montañas, no son maremotos, y mucho menos tifones.

Son las debilidades que dentro han nacido y tú, no reconoces.

Si te pesa el corazón, y tu alma es carcomida por la idea preconcebida, de la incapacidad y los errores.

Convéncete a ti mismo, cualquier cosa puedes hacer, pero no te puedes distraer.

Si no das un paso adelante, cuando caes, como puedes pretender liberarte de ataduras, enraizadas como agujas en cada poro de tu piel.

Camera: Honor 7s
Photographer: @leonelb
Image Editor: Microsoft power point 2010 / NCH software

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