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RE: Is Nigeria seasonal change out of hand?


Thank you very much for your report from Germany... 🇩🇪

This is interesting...but i wouldnt really say it's a favourable experience, trust me.

I can only imagine this situation because i havent experience it either over here in Nigeria.

As for the river oder, i guess its a bad season for those poor water creatures..., sad..!!.

I've heard alot about wildfire some times ago in Carlifonia- USA and other part of the U.S ..., and this is the first time hearing it happens in Germany as well.

But in your case..(Germany).., what could actually cause such inferno in a forest...?

 2 years ago 

Due to the extreme drying out, the wood, the leaves and needles, the grass burns like tinder. And it doesn't have to be a carelessly discarded cigarette that causes it to blaze. Even a car parked stupidly at the edge of the forest, its brake discs still hot, can be enough. Personally, I think it's more likely to be glass (bottles or broken glass), which can be very effective as a burning glass... By the way, there is also a lot of found munitions lying around in the forests from the Second World War. Recently, this was a huge problem during a large forest fire in Brandenburg.

Durch die extreme Austrocknung brennt das Holz, die Blätter und Nadeln, das Gras wie Zunder. Und es muß gar keine fahrlässig weggeworfene Zigarette sein, die es zum Lodern bringt. Schon ein am Waldrand doof abgestelltes Auto, dessen Bremsscheiben noch heiß sind, kann ausreichen. Ich persönlich tippe eher auf Glas (Flaschen oder Scherben), die als Brennglas sehr effektiv sein dürften... Dazu kommt übrigens eine ganze Menge Fundmunition, die noch aus dem 2. Weltkrieg in den Wäldern herumliegt. Vor kurzem war das bei einem großen Waldbrand in Brandenburg ein Riesenproblem.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for the enlightenment. And you are saying is the fact..., those things could cause fire outbreak.

But i think the one i can easily point at or think of is the war weapon stored in such places...

 2 years ago 

Not even stored - they are literally lying around there: forgotten, overgrown, rusty. Incendiary in the sense of the word...

Nicht einmal gelagert - sie liegen dort buchstäblich herum: vergessen, überwuchert, verrostet. Brandgefährlich im Sinne des Wortes...

 2 years ago 

Oh my goodness...🤦‍♂️, isnt that rather unhealthy for humanity..?

Hopefully such spots could be identified on time and destroyed.

Wildfire, as i heard isn't a game neither is it a fictional movie..but reality.

Advanced precaution like this can can save future disaster.

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