The Steem Yoga Dairy 03 - Kundalini Yoga 02 - Chakras 01

in GEMS4 years ago

In our last post we discussed about kundalini energy and how the energy moves through various Nadis to the chakras. Nadis are energy routes in our bodies. They are subtle and thus not visible to the human eye.


Our body has a few clusters where these Nadis congregate. We have over 114 such energy clusters. Two of them are located out side the body so what is left is 112 in the body. Out of this 112, there are a few chakras that don't need any working on. If the rest function at full potential these 4 clusters open up on their own. So basically what a human is left with is 108 energy clusters in the body. These clusters can also be called “Chakras”.

Now before we go any further its important to pause here for a second. This number 108 is significant. Its an important number even today in easter traditions. However this number also has an existential dimension beyond just number of chakras.

The diameter of the Sun multiplied by 108 equals the distance between Sun and Earth, and the diameter of the Moon multiplied by 108 equals the distance between Earth and Moon. The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth.

solarsystem439046_1280.jpg[Source](Image by Comfreak from Pixabay)

This number of a great value in martial and healing arts as well. In “Marma Adi” and Indian version of Dim Mak has 108 points. Ayurveda has 108 points where consciousness intersects with flesh. Chinese martial arts schools such as Shaolin, Eagle Claw, Yang Taijiquan long form and the Wing Chun wooden dummy form taught by Ip Man, Bruce Lee's teacher place great importance on the number 108. It's also very important with Goju-Ryu Karate in Japan. The ultimate Gōjū-ryū kata,”Suparinpei”, literally translates to 108.


In the west In the neo-gnostic teachings an individual has 108 chances (lifetimes) to eliminate his egos and transcend the material world before "devolving" and having the egos forcefully removed in the infra-dimensions.
This is the reason why all chanting beads in the east always have 108 beads/knots on them. This is common across Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, Zen and most traditional martial arts.


Now while we have 108 chakras, the main seven chakras are what most of the world knows about. You can break them up further into the 3 lower Chakras and the 3 higher chakras. The final 7th Chakra is not much of a chakra as much it might be a gateway. Lets take a look at the first lot first.


Muladhara/ Base Chakra

The Muladhara chakra has four petals bearing the Sanskrit letter “Lam” as the centre syllable. The tattwa/essence of Earth is represented by a yellow square. This is the first chakra and is located at the base of our spinal cord or the perineum.In other traditions such as Islam and Jewish Kabbalah this energy cluster is called Latifa Qalabiya and Yesod respectively.

This chakra is important since its the originating point of the three main Nadis in the body. Ida, Pingala and Sushumna start at the this point. Also if you see the picture you will see an inverted triangle. This is the resting place of the kundalini when she is sleeping. She is waiting to be aroused and brought back up to Brahman, the source from which it originated. It is represented by a snake wrapped three and a half times around a smoky grey lingam.

Muladhara is considered the foundation of the "energy body".Yogic systems stress the importance of stabilising this chakra.Kundalini awakening begins here. In kundalini yoga there are various yogic practices held to incite the energy in Muladhara. The most popular of these practises is the practice of Mula Bandha involving the contraction of the perineum, which awakens kundalini, and is also important for the retention of semen.

The god of this chakra in Hindu mythology is Ganesha (Elephant headed God). Thats why all pujas in Hindu religion open with the worship of Lord Ganesh. So that he may open the first door for us and we can start out on our journey. Either spiritual or material well being.


Muladhara is also the seat of occult. Most occult practitioners use this chakra for occult practises. Most occult temples around the world are consecrated with the energy of this chakra. Since Muladhara is the energy of the earth. It tends to deal with earthly affairs.One does not really need to master this chakra to use it for occult. Hence a lot of Low Level money minded tantrics use this chakra for occult.

In contrast a person who has mastered this chakra tends to get many siddhis (supernatural powers) such as He or she experiences Darduri Siddhi (Frog jump in air at various degrees).He or she gains knowledge of the Present, Past and Future. He or she has control over the Elements of the Earth.

A person with a well developed Muladhara will be a very secure, strong and pleasant human being. A person with inadequate development of this chakra will be very insecure and will constantly exhibit a fight or flight syndrome.
It is said he who chants the seed mantra “Lam” for this chakra 100 Million times becomes the master of this chakra.

Some examples of people who mostly lived in the dimension of this chakra are some of the tyrants in history. Their sense of insecurity made life a living hell for them and those around them. The Hitlers, Pol Pots and Stalin’s of the world live here.

In fact most of us on the planet live in this dimension. The only difference between tyrants and normal people is probably the amount of power these people had. Let us never underestimate the amount of tyranny we all can be capable off when our interests are threatened.


In fact the only difference in the tyranny of a leader and the tyranny of an abusive family member is simply the amount of influence the person has. The more power such a person has, the more damage the person causes.



This chakra, is the second primary chakra according to Tantrism. This chakra is said to be blocked by fear, especially the fear of death. The literal meaning of this chakra is “where your being is established”. This chakra is located about 4 fingers width below the navel.As per islam this place is called Latifa Nafsiya and in Jewish Kabbalah its called Hod-Nezah.

Svadhisthana is illustrated as a white lotus Inside this lotus is a white crescent moon which represents the water element.The seed mantra, located in the innermost circle is “Vaṃ”. The six petals represent the following modes of consciousness affection, pitilessness, feeling of all-destructiveness, delusion, disdain, and suspicion.

Svadishtana is often associated with pleasure, sense of oneself, relationships, sensuality and procreation. Its colour is orange. It is blocked by guilt. Svadhishthana is associated with the with emotions. It is closely related to the Muladhara in that Muladhara is where different samskaras (potential Karmas) lie dormant, and Svadhishthana is where these karmas find expression.


Svadhishthana contains unconscious desires, especially sexual desire. It is said that to raise the kundalini shakti above Svadhishthana is difficult. Many saints and yogis have had to face sexual temptations associated with this chakra.

One who meditates on Svadhishthana is believed to obtain the following supernatural powers : freedom from enemies, eloquence of words and clarity, loss of fear of water, awareness of astral entities and the ability to taste anything desired for oneself or others.

A person who lives as per this dimension lives a little more intensely than the guy who lives in Muladhara. This guy wants to live his life. He/she wants to experience everything. While that is good to an extend, there exists a chance that one may get carried away by the pleasures of life and lose it.


A good example of a person like would be Casanova or a lot of us who want to have it all, travel the world, be a foodie and sexually colourful people.




Manipura is the third primary chakra according to Vedic tradition. Of the earthy planes or the lower planes this is the highest chakra.

Located slightly below the solar plexus, Manipura translates from Sanskrit as “shiny/beautiful gem”. Manipura is often associated with the color blue in classical tantra. The seed mantra of this chakra is “Ram”. In islam and Jewish Kabbalah this energy centre is called Latifa Qalbiya and Tiferet.

Manipura is associated with fire and the power of transformation. This point is important since all the 10 Vayus (Roughy translated as 'forces' meet here). The five Prāna Vayus are: Prāna, Apāna, Udāna, Samāna And Vyāna. The five Upa Prānas are: Nāga, Kūrma, Devadatta, Krikala and Dhananjaya.

Manipura chakra innervates most of the digestive system. For instance weak Agni (fire) in the coeliac plexus leads to incompletely digested food, thoughts and emotions, and is a source of ama (toxicity). Which is why its important to eat light food thats easy to digest. Thats why spiritual aspirants tend to avoid meat products.

This chakra corresponds to negative values like like spiritual ignorance, thirst, jealousy, treachery, shame, fear, disgust, delusion, foolishness and sadness.

On the positive side Manipura is considered the center of dynamism, energy, will power , and achievement. This chakra which radiates prana throughout the entire human body is associated with the power of fire and digestion, as well as with the sense of sight and the action of movement. Through meditating on Manipura, one is said to attain the power to save, change or destroy the world.

Some of the tyrants we mentioned earlier would be people who had an active Manipura chakra But had issues with their Muladhara or the base chakra.Hence the need for a stable foundation!

The position of Manipura is stated as being either behind the solar plexus. Sometimes, when it is located at the navel, a secondary chakra called Surya chakra may be located at the solar plexus, whose role is to absorb and assimilate Prana from the sun.


People associated with this chakras tend to be visionaries, with great organising ability, will and the tenacity to see it through. Example: Steve Jobs, Obama and Modi.


Not everyone with an active Manipura becomes a world leader.For example someone one like Jobs would have personal problems owing to blockages in the other chakras, clearly his Manipura chakra was very active.

This ends our exploration of the first three chakras. We will cover the four higher chakras in the next post.

Hope you liked reading about yoga. If you would like to know anything about this, do reach out via the comments section. I will try my best to bring that information to you.

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Well well well.
So many information there.
Nice post.

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