BlackRock and Vanguard also now own Bitcoin!

in GEMS4 years ago

Major Investment Advisory companies BlackRock and Vanguard now have exposure to Bitcoin!

Ok, I admit, that title is a bit click-baity...

BlackRock and Vanguard do in fact now have bitcoin exposure but it's not quite in the way that you might first think.

You see, both BlackRock and Vanguard are two of the largest shareholders of Microstrategy's stock.

And MSTR now holds 38,250 BTC...

Which means, both BlackRock and Vanguard now have exposure to bitcoin whether they wanted to or not!

Based on their stock holdings of MSTR, here is their current BTC exposure:


But wait, there's more...

Not only do two of the largest investment advisory companies have exposure to bitcoin, there is a sovereign wealth fund that also has exposure to bitcoin.

If you look at that chart above, you can see that name at the bottom, the Norwegian Government Pension Fund...

That is the largest sovereign wealth fund in the world and they also now have exposure to bitcoin whether they wanted it or not.

The interesting thing from here will be who decides to sell MSTR stock and who decides to buy it.

It may be a way funds can gain exposure to bitcoin without going through some of the regulatory (or self imposed) hurdles that may exist for them.

I suspect we are going to see a shake up of MSTR holders by the next quarterly filings...

Stay informed my friends.



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