A Change in Need is a Change Indeed

in GEMS4 years ago


2020 is not yet a great year, and will probably not be one, but for sure it has taught me something so far and the best thing that I learned in the first four months of it is that things can radically change in minutes. Well, actually not quite minutes, but you get the point.

We've gone from total freedom to total lock down in weeks, and from a blockchain project that many of us praised for years, to a whole new one, that looks and feels quite similar with the old one, with slight changes and fixes. Hive, in my opinion, came as a breath of fresh air for some, as a desperate act for others, and as a given for myself.

I will repeat once again that I don't like Justin Sun, and that I had a bad feeling about his purchase right from the beginning, and will not change my attitude towards him, although I still post on Steemit, and you, the ones trashing Steem seem to do the same. Well... most of you. What I don't get though about firm believers in Hive and its so called decentralized nature, is why do you keep on looking in the rear view mirror?

What's the point of keeping on trashing Steem, after you blindly praised it for years and refused to see its flaws, and what's the point of constantly comparing it with Hive, constantly praising Hive over Steem and writing endless amounts of articles on this topic. If I were that much disgusted about Steem, I would power down, log out and won't even think of it anymore. That simple. You don't keep on talking of a flu after you got rid of it and compare your current health with the one you had back then over an over for months.

Not to be disrespectful with anyone, but some folks around here(Hive), have turned, probably without even knowing, into cult members where the only thing they know is praise Hive, mostly inside Hive and not that much outside of it and advertise it as needed, trash Steem, and playing the same song with different lyrics every day.

To be honest with you the Steemit trending page, looks a bit better now than the Hive one. I have muted so many people on Hive just because I was tired on seeing the same topics on the trending page everyday. People, there's life outside any social media platform, and Hive is no exception. I can't say that Hive is not an improvement over Steem, but it's far away from becoming a way better alternative. It is simply a slightly better alternative and nothing more. It doesn't mean it hasn't the potential to rock them all.

The first argument that one would serve me right now is: do you like centralization, don't you believe that Justin Sun centralized the platform with his censorship measures, and controls too much of it? To be honest I don't like nor dislike centralization. It depends on how good it's made, and again to be honest, what did you expect after witnesses froze his stake? The only one to be spit and blamed in this situation is Ned Scott and no one else. He fooled all of us, not just Sun.

Hive, theoretically is decentralized, but practically not, because the witnesses and devs that created it and announced it just a few days before its launch, haven't asked anyone about their decision, and this might repeat in the future if things won't work as they wish so it's kind of...their platform. The way I see it, Hive is a re branded Steem, with pretty much the same witnesses, whales, and everyday users.

There are still circle jerking groups, which to be honest are quite profitable from a business point of view, there are still downvotes available that can shut the mouth of everyone talking bad thus censorship free is not Hive's attribute, and the overall sentiment that I get in here is still of Steem. That doesn't mean things can't change for better as they did for worse, when Justin arrived. It doesn't mean that downvotes can't be taken away and find a better solution in fighting spam and abuse, or that we can't be asked about future changes and updates.

My honest opinion about both platforms is that neither is great. Steem has Justin Sun, that I don't like at all and consider him a clown to the crypto space while Hive is not actually a new platform, neither in UI and nor as a core mentality. I am still using both, I have steemians that refuse to transit to Hive and I respect their decision, I have hiveians that use them both and I can interact with them on both, and as long as it will be possible I will milk them both...

...because I'm just a milking bastard that only cares about is rewards, one that is not fundamentals and progress oriented, doesn't excels as a community member, and has no praising songs for the new blockchain. I also confess that I refused till date to make a parallel between Steem and Hive because I thought the ones doing them will end soon, but I recently felt that some are exaggerating with trashing Steem, and probably without even knowing transformed themselves into cult members with their tons of posts dedicated to Hive.

It's OK, we know the platform now, we use it daily, we wish the best of it, as active members and believers, but lets move on. Lets not fall into the trap of talking bad of a an ex for years. You said goodbye, moved away and now focus on what's before you. That's how I see it, and that's what I'd do if I would hate Steem that much. I know that some are having the job now of of convincing old steemians to transit although nobody gave it to them, as if they are some sort of Jehova's witnesses, but I wouldn't do that.

Everybody in the old yard knows about the new one, if they want to, they will come, if not...let it be. My wish for the new yard is to fully become a new one, and a better one, and not just a re branded one, but I'm not anyone to decide anything, and the ones deciding never ask for opinions...

Thanks for attention,


missing you over there ;-P

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