Macro Photography | Beauty of Creativity - dragonfly

in Beauty of Creativity3 years ago

Needle dragonfly has a unique name in addition to its name as well as a beautiful body shape


This one animal is from the dragonfly family. One thing that is distinctive about this animal is its small, slender body size and resembles a needle, so it is called the needle dragonfly. Needle dragonflies or commonly called damselfly, are insects that belong to the order Odonata. Dragonflies are usually divided into two major groups, namely dragonflies or sibar-sibar and needle dragonflies.

Needle dragonflies are also commonly found in water sources, such as swamps, rivers, lakes, or rice fields. They choose to live in clean and unpolluted water sources to lay their eggs so that their standard of living is guaranteed. That's why the presence of dragonflies can be used as an indication, whether the waters are still clean or polluted.

Adult needle dragonflies will hunt their prey in the air, this is done mainly on small insects. Therefore, the presence of the needle dragonfly can also be a control against the mosquito population.

All needle dragonflies lay their eggs inside the plant body. Those that lay eggs underwater can submerge themselves for 30 minutes at a time, climbing along the stems of aquatic plants and laying eggs at intervals.

When it becomes an egg, the needle dragonfly is at risk of becoming food for the fish in these waters. And after hatching is called a larva and then becomes a nymph. And in contrast to the eggs, this needle dragonfly nymph becomes a predator for small fish and young fish.

Needle dragonflies are hemimetabolous insects that do not have a pupal stage in their development.





📷 PicturePhotography
ModelOPPO A54
Camera usedHandphone+ lensa macro
 3 years ago 

Very beautiful photo you show.

 3 years ago 

Thanks you buddy

 3 years ago 

Your photographs are beau But it is called damselflies not dragonfly.

 3 years ago 

iya , tapi kalau bahasa daerah kami ini namanya capung kecil, tetapi saya tidak tahu juga nama aslinya , terimakaih kawan telah berbagi informasinya .

 3 years ago 

Yes, but if our local language is called a small dragonfly, but I don't know its real name either, thank you friends for sharing the information.

 3 years ago 

very good picture, you are very wise to take it, thank you for sharing this perfect picture my brother

 3 years ago 

Terimakasih kawan telah membaginya ,

 3 years ago 

Very good shot for small dragonfly pictures. I like your picture.

 3 years ago 

thanks friends for your support

 3 years ago 

You're Welcome brother 😁😁

 3 years ago 

Small dragonfly, i have also posting with this type of dragonfly

 3 years ago 

Yes, but this kind of small caung also has many beautiful colors

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